Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Free 'n Easy


This word is the most overused, misused and underated word when it comes to work. How come people always say...

Eh, free ah?

And that to be 'free' is.... WRONG!? Wa lau eh! Ur telling me u cannot be free at work? R u mad?

And wat does busy realli means? If u say that you are busy but still can afford to have small talk, go for a tea break or check ur mail at Yahoo or MSN at work that ur one BIG fat liar. Some can even say...
Wah... so free... Can keep two blogs some more....(fyi, i've decided to close one of my blogs. Haiz.... the things i do for my fans...).

Busy to me means you dun have time to do the things i have just mentioned.

And there are those who cannot see u free one. Dunno why. It's like they are not happy that you are not as busy as them. How come people never consider other issues or view it at a different angle? I'm free but ur busy. I earn less but u earn more. Wanna complain? In that case why not i work in your position and level and u dun work. Want? If not, just shut the F***' Up!

Life, my dear friends, is a balance no matter how much u may disagree with me. Things that are of my disadvantage may be of your advantage. U just don't see it because u refuse to see it or acknowledge it. We often compare ourselves to those who are better off than us but never compare with those who are less fortunate. The secret to contentment is to practise the latter.

Some people have a car, a big house or a maid. Why compare with them when you dun have one? They may yearn for a child which u have or suffering from some life threatening health problems which you dun have. Did u ever consider that factor? Comparison should be used only as a form of encouragement for us to strive for what others might have. But remember! As i said earlier. Life is a balance.

My younger bro once said to the family...
I may be the shortest in the family but I have the best body among all.

Good for him i say. I totally agree. At least he realises his strengths and not just his weakness. And so, i also gave a comparison to him...
I may be the one with the most pimples in the family but i'm the most handsome.

Bwahahaha!! Case closed.


Anonymous said...

Wah u alway go inside basket & carry urself..bouy tahan!

Khairul said...
