Saturday, October 21, 2006

Memory Lane

Hari Raya is coming soon and usually at this time, i can't help but feel a little bit nostalgic. Dunno why leh. I suddenly thought about my Primary school teachers. Maybe i miss them. Maybe it's just sumthing that could never be forgotten. Of course there's far too many to remember but a few seems to special ones.

First, there was a teacher named Mrs Shaikah. She was like a motherly figure to me in school and remained my form teacher from Pri 1 up to Pri 3. She would look out for me and was always there when i needed someone.

Then there's Mrs Fizah. Wah! I tell u... she was the most 'chio' teacher in school man! Sexy some more! Always wearing that tight 'kebaya'! No wonder i couldn't wait to grow up!.. Hehe. For some apparent reason, she had a liking towards me. Hey! Can't blame me for being a cute boy! Haha!

And then there's Miss Allison Pereira. She was a relief teacher. Do u believe that i asked her out to see a movie? Well, we did! Never bluff u all one. My first date! Haha! We go watch cartoon at Cathay cinema. Romantic mah.... Did i get my first kiss? Haha!

Not forgetting Cikgu Saat. He was a language teacher. Very cool and patient man. Would joke with us at times. He was just a nice character lah...

So, to all the teacher's that I have mentioned, no matter where you are or what ur doing i hope you all are fine and happy with your lives. Who knows, our paths may cross again we just might meet again....