Monday, October 23, 2006


James Bond. It's amazing how this show is a favorite among many. And with the latest James Bond movie slated to open somewhere in November, it falls into the category of movies i wanna watch at the cinemas. And what makes this movie so successful? If i'm not wrong there are 21 James Bond movie up till now and counting. And each movie makes more money than the previous ones!

Basically, James Bond 'long life' is due the fact that it's a Man's fantasy. The concept is simple actually. Just put in the elements which a man loves and u've got a hit show. Gadgets, women and action are the main ingredients.

Gadgets: Who doesn't love them. Even some women do. From watches that can shoot out laser beams to cars that could turn into a submarine. It's a guys wettest dream! Haha! James Bond without gadgets is like going to another country without passport. Sure give problem one.

Women: My favourite. Hehe. Got sexy ones, brainy ones, naughty ones and even 'BIG' ones, James Bond all have. Good girls he get, bad girls he oso gets. Wah lau! James Bond u too much ah! Got use protection or not? Haha!

Action: Kaboom here, kaboom there. James Bond never die one. We men just love all those pyrotechnics and being in a tight spot situations. Espionage oso have. Where can i sign up to be a spy?

Hopefully the latest James Bond movie with Daniel Craig as the new agent 007 will be good. There has been some disgruntled James Bond fans criticizing on the decision by the producers on chosing Daniel Craig saying that how could James Bond be blonde. I just hope it will turn out well. Or it might just end up being his first and only outing as Bond.

The name's Ban. Jamban (Malay for toilet) Haha!