Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Birds & The Bees

A friend of mine who is a mother of two described her personal experience at her blog when her child asked her 'bout the birds and the bees. Of course she was taken aback by such a question as she had never expected it. At least.. not just yet.

Soon, other people replied to her post expressing their concerns over such issues and recommended a few solutions to handle such a situation.

We are Asians. We consider the discussion of sex as a taboo. We never openly or explain to our children about this. We expect them to know about all this without having to go through us. In fact, we always wished we never have to talk about sex with them AT ALL!

Should we change? Should we try and break away from the mentality that sex is a taboo. And doesn't have to mean that talking about sex is limited to the act of having the penis inserted into the vagina. It could also be 'Where do babies come from?', or 'Why does kor-kor have a bird2?' or even 'Blood is coming out of my vagina!'

Children are inquisitive. They always want to know more. And WHY!

My four year old daughter knows that a baby comes out from the vagina.


4 years old.



How? I let her watched Discovery Home and Health on cable TV. When i was small i tot babies come out from the navel. How shocked i was when i learnt the truth! She also knows that a boy has a penis and a girl has a vagina. Heck! She even knows that a woman has mensuration. And that mensuration means the woman is not pregnant.

Now, some may not find such a learning methodology desirable. Especially at her age. Well, that is everybody personal preference on raising their children. You can't say what i'm doing is right. Neither can you say it is wrong either. Hey! It's not as if i'm letting her watch porn!

To me, i see such things with an open mind. I'd rather have may child learn from the correct source. And since she is still young, her environment is still controllable. Would you want your child to learn from their friends who in the first place may not even now the right answers?

Of course who am i to advise over such things. My daughter is my experiment. How it will turn out i do not know. And i'm doing all this is due to one reason...

I wished my parents would have discussed sex wif me.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Ehemmmm...very interesting topic indeed!