Friday, February 2, 2007

See No Evil

Recently i watched a tv show which shows a stepmother ill-treating her stepchildren. Come to think of it, all shows (Malay ones especially) depicts stepmothers as evil.

Never leh i watched show which shows that the stepmother is good. Sure evil or bad one! Dunno why. Beat up child lah.. Never give food lah... Ask to renovate the house lah.. Make concealed wiring lah... Try to poison lah. After that when the husband come home, bedek2 pretend to be good and caring. Wah lau eh! So predictable!

How come never show stepchildren beat up the stepmother? And then when husband return, husband beat up stepmother oso. Hahaha!!

Tv shows are actually corrupting our minds with the wrong impression. It enforces some kind of stereotype towards some people. We seem to have this mentality that if it is not our own, we cannot truly love with all our heart. Not true. Some poeple would DIE for sumthing which is not even theirs!

Hhmmm... wat else ah? Oh yes! Smoking oso.

Wah, i tell u. KNN! Too much leh. All bad guys sure smoke one. Good guys never smoke. Bedek onli. Ok. Smoking is bad. But that doesn't mean that those who smoke are bad people.

It's like enforcing the badness of the bad person through smoking. So basically when you watched the show halfway and dun noe who the bad person is, wait for him to smoke lah. Aha! That's the bad guy!

If i were a movie director, i would make sure all the good guys smoke and all bad guys drink milk and help old women cross the street. Sure box-office one! Bwahaha!

Anymore? Let me see... Ah! Twins!

Wah lau eh! Sure got evil twin one. Both cannot be good meh? One sure become bad ah. Dunno why. Why not make both be bad? Better right? Double the action! Double the drama! Tamade!