Thursday, March 1, 2007

Swiss Army Bottle Part Deux

Remember this? ->

( )

Well, i managed to get another view of the bottle. And this is what it looks like..

Wah! The bottle got name sia! I wonder who it belongs to? Haha!

Hmmm... dis person quite creative hor. Dun u agree? (say YES say YES or else she will get very angry. she veli fierce you noe!) Look at the way she design the name. So stylo sia.. The curving and the slanting of the words. Wah... so intricate..

Hmm... she must be from the designing department of the company...

Look! She is soooo creative, she can even design the 'i's to look like flowers! Omigosh!!

Why didn't i tink of that when i design my name? Haha!


Anonymous said...

she's not only creative.. she's pretty too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wah wah this kinda situation...although u r very the ENG, dun tell ppl i veli the fierce la...shy leh...where got fierce?? I am friendly okay hehehe...yar from a designing department which has vanish sad to say *sOB sOb*....AND to comments from my sis..hehe dun say I pretty la...shy..*blush blush*...And u know Khairul...for some reasons I sooo enjoy reading ur blog..perks ppl moods man!Cheerios :O)

Khairul said...

aiyah...dun like dat lah... u my friend..hehe.
wah! ur sis sure knows how to 'angkat' u ah! haha!
glad to hear dat u like readin dis blog.. i never have tot u would enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! will ask CT 2 design 4 me lor!!