Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Birds & The Bees

A friend of mine who is a mother of two described her personal experience at her blog when her child asked her 'bout the birds and the bees. Of course she was taken aback by such a question as she had never expected it. At least.. not just yet.

Soon, other people replied to her post expressing their concerns over such issues and recommended a few solutions to handle such a situation.

We are Asians. We consider the discussion of sex as a taboo. We never openly or explain to our children about this. We expect them to know about all this without having to go through us. In fact, we always wished we never have to talk about sex with them AT ALL!

Should we change? Should we try and break away from the mentality that sex is a taboo. And doesn't have to mean that talking about sex is limited to the act of having the penis inserted into the vagina. It could also be 'Where do babies come from?', or 'Why does kor-kor have a bird2?' or even 'Blood is coming out of my vagina!'

Children are inquisitive. They always want to know more. And WHY!

My four year old daughter knows that a baby comes out from the vagina.


4 years old.



How? I let her watched Discovery Home and Health on cable TV. When i was small i tot babies come out from the navel. How shocked i was when i learnt the truth! She also knows that a boy has a penis and a girl has a vagina. Heck! She even knows that a woman has mensuration. And that mensuration means the woman is not pregnant.

Now, some may not find such a learning methodology desirable. Especially at her age. Well, that is everybody personal preference on raising their children. You can't say what i'm doing is right. Neither can you say it is wrong either. Hey! It's not as if i'm letting her watch porn!

To me, i see such things with an open mind. I'd rather have may child learn from the correct source. And since she is still young, her environment is still controllable. Would you want your child to learn from their friends who in the first place may not even now the right answers?

Of course who am i to advise over such things. My daughter is my experiment. How it will turn out i do not know. And i'm doing all this is due to one reason...

I wished my parents would have discussed sex wif me.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Some people love the iPod. Some wants to own an iPod. Some owns an iPod. Yup. U noe who u r.

So for all my friends who really likes this technological wonder, i present to you some of iPod's best promotional videos. Enjoy! (n dun forget to turn on the volume)

iPod Useless

iPod Flea

Shuffle Revolution


Friday, February 23, 2007


This doesn't mean all women are stupid when it comes to cars
..........but there are always some exceptions.

Yesterday I was having some work done at the Ford dealer, a woman came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten. We all looked at each other, and the mechanic asked, "What is a seven-hundred-ten?"

She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine. I lost it and need a new one. It had always been there."

The mechanic gave the woman a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like.

She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.

He took her over to another car which had the hood up and asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?"

She pointed and said, "Of course, it's right there."

Now, the 710 is....................

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Relax One Corner

Some of us probably has a favourite place to hang out or eat out after a hectic day of work. It could be the ambiance. The staffs. The food. The 'char bo'. Haha!

I have a favourite chilling out place and it's located opposite Bukit Timah Shopping Center. It's called 'Al-Azhar Restaurant'. I've been a regular there for almost 6 years now.

Apart from the 'char bo's who like to look at me (hehe), the restaurant offers good food and an open concept setting which matches well with my laid back persona. Even the staffs there are nice and we even have a special handshake when we meet.

The menu ranges offers a wide variety of Malay and Indian food. But their specialty would be the Milo Godzilla. It's basically iced Milo topped with vanilla ice-cream, whipped cream, Milo powder and a cherry. However, it may be too sweet for some so be prepared for those who don't have a sweet tooth. (eh... am i writing a blog or a food review?)

Most of the time, i just order 'Teh Tarik'.

Once in a while i do meet some familiar faces there. Friends, colleagues and relatives. They sometimes hang out there. So if you do happen to hang out there, look around. You might just see me sipping my favourite tea.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Reading Is Fun!

Can anybody tell me where i can get this magazine?

Must be an interesting read. (for women i guess) Haha!

Monday, February 19, 2007

We Have Separated

I was actually unwilling about writing this here. It's like washing ur dirty linen in public. But i had to let you all know the truth.

This may come to as a shock to some of you who knew both of us.

We have been together for almost 7 years. We have gone thru so many things together. Both good and bad times.

But it has come to a point that i couldn't be with her anymore.

Some of you may say that i'm being cruel or selfish. It's normal that should such a thing happen, it's always the guy who is at fault. That is your opinion and i have no right to say that i do not agree.

But i have thought about this long and hard for many sleepless nights.

My decision to let her go was for the better for both of us. As a man i have my needs and wants. I just cannot carry on with my life with her anymore.

I hope that those who are reading this would only keep to urself and not spread it around. It's already hard enough for me getting thru it and i hope u all understand.

Even though we may have be separated, i still love and remember her for all that she had done for me.

Our separation was done peacefully. No anger but sorrows particularly in my heart.

Have i found a new love?

Yes. I do admit.

But it had nothing to do with our separation. There never was a third party involved.

Perhaps i could personally introduce her to some of you who are close to me.

Please dun hate her. She is still young and need ur understanding and support. And my younger sis thinks she's cute. Attached is a picture of her.

P.S She is a bit camera shy lah. Can only take the leg. Sori hor.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

'V' Day

It was February 14 when i dropped by Orchard Road to do some shopping right after work. Wah! Pack sia!


No wonder lah. Valentine's Day. People all go 'pak tor'ing. Almost everywhere i can see gals carrying flowers. I guess love is in the air at that time. There were those also who took advantage of the situation by selling roses at the five foot way for $50 per bouquet. Wah lau eh! More than 100% profit i tell u!

Of course roses are not the onli things that i saw. Couples express themselves differently nowadays. Some had balloons in the shape of flowers. Some wore matching tops.

However, there was this couple whom i saw wearing a t-shirt to express their love for each other. There were walking side by side very close to each other. The T-shirt looked sumthing like this:

Cute i must say. That's sumthing different and unique. I wonder where they got it? I wonder if there are other captions for it?

And so, i tot of one right after that. Do u think it is sellable?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Swiss Army Bottle

It was mornin and i was preparing my daily dosage of caffeine at the pantry.

U noe lah hor. At the pantry can see water dispenser, kettle, mugs and water bottles. I saw one of my friend's water bottle near the water dispensing machine. Looks normal to me. It's onli when i see it closely did i realise at the cover of the bottle got...


Fwah! So stylo sia! Call me suaku but this is the first time i see one. I wonder what she uses it for?

Maybe she uses it to know where she's heading? Or maybe she uses it to determine which direction she is drinking? Heck! I dunno.

Well, one thing is for sure.

She will never get lost in our 1 level office. It's a jungle out here! Hahaha!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

If You Drive, Don't Sleep

This post serves as a reminder on the danger of driving while in the state of fatigue.

Yesterday i got into an accident. I fell asleep while i was at the wheel!

When i woke up, my car was in such a terrible condition. It was really very shocking.

So everybody, if u're tired, do take time to rest first before driving. I am so grateful to be alive and lived to tell the story.

U can see the condition of my car after i fell asleep. It's a total wreck! The windscreen was shattered and the whole body dented. Dunno whether still can drive or not.

Oh wait... I see a reset button..!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hello Kitty

I love cats. In fact i own two of them. Both are still kittens. Active, playful and mischievous.

They're such gentle creatures and great companions. Even though they may not be dubbed 'Man's Best Friend'.

BUT! I hate it when cats are being portrayed as evil or the bad guys. Tamade! Animacist! (got such word or not?).

Just take a look at cartoons. Sylvester is the baddie.

In the movie 'Cats and Dogs'. Cats are baddies.

Nope. I'm not taking sides. I would feel the same way too if other animals, be it dogs, mice or birds being portrayed as baddies. But it seems that cats are the most common.

There's only one cartoon that is being fair. Tom and Jerry. If u've watched it,u would notice that sometimes either Tom or Jerry wins. But most of the time, at the end of the show, they compromised and become friends.

Now that's the way it should be. Cartoons should provide good example to children who are not able to differentiate well between good and bad.

Monday, February 12, 2007

It's A Sony

I'm now on to my second Sony Ericsson handphone. I've even managed to 'convert' ALL my younger siblings into using a Sony Ericsson handphone.

For all u non sony ericsson handphone users, u've probably wondering what is so great or special about this brand.

Of course one cannot argue with personal preference.

As i have mentioned before in my previous post, I have used a numbers of brands before. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses. But Sony Ericsson phones have their own strengths which suit to my taste n liking.

Firstly, it's quite user-friendly. The menus are not so confusing.

Secondly the design. Looks cool to me. And even managed to turn a few heads too!

Thirdly and most importantly, the music.

In my opinion, it has the best music reproduction compared to other phones even if u use 'lao yiao' earphones. Doesn't matter if it's the 'Walkman' branded type or not.

And I didn't even use the MegaBass settings which has been the popular feature of Sony's Walkman. Probably becoz i'm using those kind of ear-plug type earphones. Already enuff bassy.

And here's a tip to all Sony Ericsson users who wish to save on battery life:

Choose a lower brightness level. The lower the better. Mine is set at 70%.

The Sony Walkman Phones. Others are just....

.. noise.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Get Connected

I'm thinking of having a link section at my blog to link to other blog sites.

I know that some of you are bloggers too and i wanted to add in my links page but some of you may not agree with this as u've might want certain friends only to read.

But if u dun mind, do consider having a link from my page. Yup, it's a nice feeling to know that somebody or someone reads ur blog. It doesn't matter if ur blog is from Blogger, Friendster, Multiply, Wordpress or other blogging sites.

So if ur interested in having your blog linked from my page, do leave ur blog address at the comments section ya!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Multiply Your Friend(ster)

I used to have a Friendster account. But after about a year, i decided to close it down for good.


I don't see the point of it becoz it has failed in my main objective.

People join Friendster for various reasons. But i believe making friends is the whole point of it.

But wats the point if your Friendster contact list is someone whom you already knew? For what? It defeated the purpose! I'm supposed to make new friends!

Perhaps it's not the case for many of you but for me i've made only 2 or 3 NEW friends. The rest are all existing ones.

No offence to my existing friends. Dun take it too hard. U all are still my friend even if i have Friendster or not. (Friendster decide meh u my friend or not!?)

At the time while i was having Friendster, i also had a Multiply account. Itchy lah. Nothing to do. I closed my malay jokes blog becoz someone complained i was too free. The Multiply website served as a continuation to my Malay blog. (nope, it was never closed).

Multiply is quite similar to Friendster in some ways. It's more like a sharing community. My contacts initially were friends who had Multiply accounts. Soon, more and more people invited me to be their contacts. People whom i never knew or met! The rate of having new contacts is faster that what i had at Friendster!

As so, that is the reason why i decided to close Friendster.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Winter Sonata

Korean drama serials are a big hit with the gals here. I oso dunno why. Good meh?

They say after watching, sure cry lah. Story very touching lah. The guy veli handsome lah. (come to think of it, any guy who enters TV automatic become handsome one.)

I've never seen any of these shows. Probably i've no time or not interested. U ask me to watch? Don't lah. Please dun torture me like this! I'd rather u tie me naked to a tree with red ants. Bwahahaha!!

But i guess these shows are for the ones with the softer side. Like gals. And language is not a barrier when it comes to these shows. As long got subtitle enuff.

I guess the story must be romantic and moving. Later after watching, eyes red red swollen as if u cut onions one. And there are some who would sacrifice other things just to watch these shows. Never eat dinner lah, never go out with boyfriend lah, never bathe lah.... Haiz...

Guys out there affected by these, you have my deepest sympathy.

I tink tissue companies should tie up with these shows. Sure sales go up one. Commercial time show tissues advertisement. Buy the DVD, get free box of tissues. Wah! Good marketing strategy leh!

Later the consumer sure say, "Wah! This tissue good leh... Veli absorbent like sponge. Must buy must buy! Later can cry cry some more!" Haha!

Anybody wants to hire me as an advertising advisor?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Pin Number Reversal (Good To Know)

If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321. The ATM recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you placed in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you. This information was recently broadcasted on TV and it states that it is seldom used because people don't know it exists. Please pass this along to everyone possible.


Read this before?

Sent to 10000000 of your friends oso? (Aww.... so caring)

It's quite popular and even had the media spotlight on it! And there are even those who really believed it! Wah lau eh!!

It's just plain stupid and nonsense lah!


Becoz if your PIN number is the same even when it is reversed (1001, 2002, 3003, 4004... 1111, 2222, 1221...) ur telling me the police always get dispatched to you?

U so special meh? KNN! The police got other better things to do you lah!

Oh no... just got another one... the AXS/S.A.M machine story...*sigh..

Monday, February 5, 2007

Going Up

Today, sumthing funny happened.

A couple of my friends were waiting for the lift to get to our office. Our office is on the 4th floor. It was 8.55am and we were already late for work for about 10 mins.

So when the lift came, we all stepped inside and the button for 4th floor was pressed. Little did we knew that the lift was going to the basement first to pick up a passenger.

Aiyoh...! Already late... make us some more late. Ok. nevermind. I patient.

Once the lift was at the basement, the lift door opened and in came a man.

Now, my friend noticing that the person looked unfamiliar helped to press the 3rd floor button as another company was on that floor.

Awwww... so caring and thoughtful of her... I was so proud of having such a courteous and helpful friend.

Skali...It turns out... He onli wanted to go to the first floor! Wah lau...!!

And so, the lift went to the third floor to let our 'invisible passenger' get off courtesy of my friend.

So, instead of just
1st Floor --> 4th floor,

it is..
1st Floor --> Basement 1 --> 1st Floor --> 3rd Floor --> 4th Floor.

Alamak! Already late becoming more and more late!!

Next time, please please please please please please.....

... ask the man which floor he wants to go hor.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Calendar

I have this calendar on my desk at work.

Does THAT make me a pervert/dirty minded?

Comments please.

Friday, February 2, 2007

See No Evil

Recently i watched a tv show which shows a stepmother ill-treating her stepchildren. Come to think of it, all shows (Malay ones especially) depicts stepmothers as evil.

Never leh i watched show which shows that the stepmother is good. Sure evil or bad one! Dunno why. Beat up child lah.. Never give food lah... Ask to renovate the house lah.. Make concealed wiring lah... Try to poison lah. After that when the husband come home, bedek2 pretend to be good and caring. Wah lau eh! So predictable!

How come never show stepchildren beat up the stepmother? And then when husband return, husband beat up stepmother oso. Hahaha!!

Tv shows are actually corrupting our minds with the wrong impression. It enforces some kind of stereotype towards some people. We seem to have this mentality that if it is not our own, we cannot truly love with all our heart. Not true. Some poeple would DIE for sumthing which is not even theirs!

Hhmmm... wat else ah? Oh yes! Smoking oso.

Wah, i tell u. KNN! Too much leh. All bad guys sure smoke one. Good guys never smoke. Bedek onli. Ok. Smoking is bad. But that doesn't mean that those who smoke are bad people.

It's like enforcing the badness of the bad person through smoking. So basically when you watched the show halfway and dun noe who the bad person is, wait for him to smoke lah. Aha! That's the bad guy!

If i were a movie director, i would make sure all the good guys smoke and all bad guys drink milk and help old women cross the street. Sure box-office one! Bwahaha!

Anymore? Let me see... Ah! Twins!

Wah lau eh! Sure got evil twin one. Both cannot be good meh? One sure become bad ah. Dunno why. Why not make both be bad? Better right? Double the action! Double the drama! Tamade!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Coffee, Tea or Me?

My first younger bro went for a back-packing trip to the European countries somewhere in the month of November and December last year.

Normal lah. Come back from trip sure must buy souvenirs mah. But to get a souvenir for a person like me easy lah. Smokers mah. U either get lighter or ashtray. (sian leh. always get the same kind)

Of course he bought other things. One of the interesting things that he bought from over there was a collection of teas. The teas comes in many flavours.

Got strawberry lah.. orange lah... banana lah... (eh.. like condom flavour leh) Then sumthing caught my eye...


Wah lau eh! What is this? Seems interesting leh.

I've heard of coffee with medicinal properties to increase your libido but this one seems to be very direct leh. I tink Sheng Siong oso never sell lah...

And so i took THAT flavour as one of my souvenirs.

I haven't drink it yet though. Would probably drink it when i get less horny (<- still wanna noe wat it means ah?). Haha!

Anybody wanna join? 9 months later dun blame me ah...! Heheh...