Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Yellow Box

Aiyoh! It seems harder for smokers like me to smoke at eating places nowadays now that the smoking ban at eating places has been enforced. Wat to do. Rules r rules. Eating establishments can designate only 20% of the floor area at their outdoor refreshment area as a smoking corner. Customers can now enjoy more outdoor eating spaces without the artificial haze in the air.

But as an advise for eating establishments (just in case my readers have an eating establishment) who have been considerate enough to provide a smoking area for smokers, pls provide sufficient ashtrays at the table. No point having a smoking area with no ashtrays to throw away the cigarette butts.

It's like providing a toilet with no toilet bowl. 'Panjio' where?

1 Comment:

Khadijah said...

hahaha...smoke kills...not thrills.... ang moh fren is making his speech..damn boring...