Friday, August 4, 2006

Sound DO Travel Faster then Light

I was with my younger bro the other day and during our conversation, he was bragging about his knowledge on Science saying that light travels faster than sound, that we see lightning first than the sound of thunder, blah ... blah... blah.. So I told him..

"Look, I can prove to you that sound can also be faster than light!"

Of course he was skeptic. How could I, his crazy, good-for nothing brother be able to debunk the laws of Science. I'm not even a Scientist! So I told him to do just one thing to prove my stupid theory and something which all of you can also try at home.

Switch ON ur TV. You'll notice that you will hear the sound first that the picture will come out. Doesn't that proves that sound travels faster than light? Hahahaha! Dr Khairul (Ph.D) at ur service.