Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Next Change. Coming Soon. Now Showing

During my school time, movie tickets cost $3.50 irregardless of weekdays or weekends. Sometimes I get to watch movies for free using my dad's 'Free Pass' (he works at LIDO u see). Times are different now. Apart from me getting more handsome (haha!), movie tixs prices has gone up tremendously. They even have different prices for weekends! Wah lau! Can go bankrupt like this. As such, I resorted to watching the movies on DVD.

Watching movies on DVD has it's advantages, not to mention it's disadvantages. One thing is that DVD rentals are now dirt cheap. $3 a day for the recently released ones and 5 days for the 'stale' ones. DVDs sometimes contain bonus features not shown in cinemas such as deleted scenes, 'making of' and alternative endings. With DVDs, you won't be needing to lose out on any scene especially if there is a call of nature or a call from the telephone. Some more can see nude scene over and over again! Hahaha!!

Of course nothing could beat the ambience of watching a movie at the cinemas. (and it's becoz of cinemas that i stopped wearing jeans for 9 years but i'm not gonna talk about that right now). Large screen, comfy seats, air-con (sometimes too cold) and great sound systems are some of the characteristics of a cinema hall unavailable while watching at home on DVD. As such, I have decided to be selective on the movies that I want to watch at the cinemas. Movies which I dun mind waiting to watch, eventually falls down into my DVD watchlist.