Friday, August 18, 2006

Do u Yahoo?

Recently my cousin from Malaysia visited me. He was a close cousin to me probably because we do not have such an age gap and thus could get along quite well (still, i'm more handsome than him, haha!). Before he left for Malaysia, i asked him if he has a MSN messenger account so that we could chat and keep in touch online. Well, he had a Yahoo Messenger account but he was nice enuf to sign up one on MSN so that we could stay in contact.

As a result from the above incident, I've made a very interesting discovery. Malaysians tend to prefer Yahoo. Singaporeans on the other hand prefer MSN. If u were to ask me, MSN is much easier and more user freindly to use. But Malaysians think otherwise. Another interesting discovery that I have found is with regards to cars between the two countries. When it comes to parking, Singaporeans tend to reverse park. Malaysians not so. For a quicker getaway is it? Run from who?! Haha!!

Well, we may have out differences, but as one of the 'Scorpions' song goes... We all live under the same sun... i.e we are all humans..