Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wenz-Day Wed-Nez-Day

Ok. Repeat after me.. Wenz-Day

Once again... Wenz-Day

Wei! Say properly lah! ... Wenz-Day

Good... Tomorrow bring for me apple and put on my table..

Perhaps some of you may have heard or have been corrected by me a zillion times already on how to pronunce the word 'Wednesday'. Oklah... I may not be a qualified English teacher but my 2 years stay in New York, 1 year stay in Boston, 3 years stay in Manchester City and 6 years stay in Liverpool has made me to pronounce it correctly (back then my hair was blonde n my eyes were blue).

Wednesday should be pronounced as Wenz-Day and NOT Wed-Nez-Day like most people do here. Basically we were taught the wrong way to pronounce this word long long time ago when policeman wear shorts... Haha!! Nobody corrected this mispronounciation. Did u noe that it is more tiring to pronounce as Wed-Nez-Day becoz ur mouth have to move 3 times compared to only 2? Mouth cannot sit still is it? Haha!!

The 'Speak Good English Movement' also encourages the people to improve their command of English and to make a conscious effort to speak Standard English. But let us not forget that correct pronounciation is also as important. Want to say, say correctly lah... "Malu' u noe go Ang Moh country and say like that. Hehe...

Who should be blamed? Teachers? Or the teacher's teacher? Or the teacher's teacher's teacher? (wait, i untie my tongue first). No point blaming. At least wat we could do right now is to teach the correct pronounciation to the later generation. Wat's wrong should be corrected. Better late than never.

If u can't look professional, at least sound professional.
All right then. Cheers for now.