Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Next Change. Coming Soon. Now Showing

During my school time, movie tickets cost $3.50 irregardless of weekdays or weekends. Sometimes I get to watch movies for free using my dad's 'Free Pass' (he works at LIDO u see). Times are different now. Apart from me getting more handsome (haha!), movie tixs prices has gone up tremendously. They even have different prices for weekends! Wah lau! Can go bankrupt like this. As such, I resorted to watching the movies on DVD.

Watching movies on DVD has it's advantages, not to mention it's disadvantages. One thing is that DVD rentals are now dirt cheap. $3 a day for the recently released ones and 5 days for the 'stale' ones. DVDs sometimes contain bonus features not shown in cinemas such as deleted scenes, 'making of' and alternative endings. With DVDs, you won't be needing to lose out on any scene especially if there is a call of nature or a call from the telephone. Some more can see nude scene over and over again! Hahaha!!

Of course nothing could beat the ambience of watching a movie at the cinemas. (and it's becoz of cinemas that i stopped wearing jeans for 9 years but i'm not gonna talk about that right now). Large screen, comfy seats, air-con (sometimes too cold) and great sound systems are some of the characteristics of a cinema hall unavailable while watching at home on DVD. As such, I have decided to be selective on the movies that I want to watch at the cinemas. Movies which I dun mind waiting to watch, eventually falls down into my DVD watchlist.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

MTV. I Like

All of you must have heard of MTV. If not, u've probably been staying on another planet or been around when dinosaurs roamed the earth. MTV or Music Television (for those who dun noe, duh!) is a cable television networked in New York and was first broadcast on August 1st 1981. Over the years it has grown into a prominent and popular channel airing music videos and producing it's own reality shows. Now, it's amazing on how music videos can have an impact on the music itself.

I once recommended a friend to a song and she said she was not interested. Some days later, she came up to me asking for the music video. I asked her what makes her so interested in the song and as i guessed it correctly, she said she liked the song while watching the music video! (btw, the song in particular was 'No Promises' by Shayne Ward) Wah! Can u see the impact it has made on her and perhaps many others? Sometimes music played over the radio alone may not be enough to attract listeners. In a way, music video helps to boost the popularity and attract viewer attention. They act as a form of advertisement for the singer or music.

Most of us are visual people. Which means, we tend to remember things we see better than things we hear. No wonder there is a saying 'Go in One Ear, Come out the Other'. Haha!!

They say, 'A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.'
Just imagine what moving pictures can do....

Saturday, August 26, 2006

You Have A Massage

It was 6pm on a Friday when my friend at work came up to me and asked me if i was free to go for a massage with him. Since i had nothing to do on that day so i tot why not. As my body is growing older and my heart is gettin younger, i decided that it would be a good idea to unwind and relax from the stressful work life. So off we went to 'Traditional Javanese Massage Hut' located at River Valley.

It was a very nice place. As we entered the place, we could smell the pleasant smell of aromatic oils filling up the room. Upon reading the available services, we decided to go for their in-house specialty where the massage consists of targeting the stress points on the body. The massage is a full body massage and cost $50 for an hour. 2 types of oil can be selected. There's the herbal oil, which is warm and gives a tingling feeling and the olive oil. The receptionist (not bad leh) recommended the herbal oil and that we shouldn't bathe 2 hours after massage.

The room setting was cozy and cool. My masseur was a middle-aged lady and she was very nice. Wah! The massage very shiok leh! It started off with a short warm-up of the body followed by the legs, back, hands, chest, neck and face. No area was spared except for the ahem... u noe lah hor. Even my butt 'kena' massage! Haha! Now i have sexy hump, my hump, my hump, my hump... Check it out! Hehe!

During the massage, the room ambiance was very soothing as slow instrumental music was being played. It was nice to hear except from the occasional 'Oohhh' and 'Ahhh's from my friend who find the massage either ticklish or painful. Wat a 'kuniang'! Me? Well u noe I'm the cool dude so i stay cool lah. Haha!

After the massage, we were given ginger tea to drink. All i can say is that after the massage, u either will start burping or farting. Guess the air wants to come out lah. Overall it was good onli that my friend was disappointed that the receptionist was not the masseur. I told him fat hope lah. Even if she was, I would ask for her first! Haha!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Here Croc. There Croc. Everywhere Croc Croc

Wow! It seems more and more people are wearing Crocs sandals these days. This simple rubber sandal has hit town like a big superstar. They come in many different colours but with a very similar design. The latest i noticed was the leather version. Phew! Back in my school days, there were some footwear which caught up with the people. There's the Neckerman sandals (some designs make u look like a Roman Gladiator) and the Teva sandals.

Aniwae, back to the Crocs. They dun come cheap for something which looked so simple. At least 40 bucks, irregardless of size. Just for a little bit of info. Did u noe that these sandals/shoes were originally intended as a boating/outdoor shoe because of its slip-resistant, non-marking sole? By 2003 Crocs had become a phenomenon, universally accepted as an all purpose shoe for comfort and fashion. Amazing huh!

But will these shoes stand against the test of time? Will it be a long-term trend or short term fad? Will it face the same fate as the Neckerman or Teva sandals which at one time was hot until eventually the craze just fizzes out? And to add salt to injury, competitors are offering a similar design at almost 80% off the price! Only time will tell.

By the way, wat happened to Bubble Tea.....?

Wenz-Day Wed-Nez-Day

Ok. Repeat after me.. Wenz-Day

Once again... Wenz-Day

Wei! Say properly lah! ... Wenz-Day

Good... Tomorrow bring for me apple and put on my table..

Perhaps some of you may have heard or have been corrected by me a zillion times already on how to pronunce the word 'Wednesday'. Oklah... I may not be a qualified English teacher but my 2 years stay in New York, 1 year stay in Boston, 3 years stay in Manchester City and 6 years stay in Liverpool has made me to pronounce it correctly (back then my hair was blonde n my eyes were blue).

Wednesday should be pronounced as Wenz-Day and NOT Wed-Nez-Day like most people do here. Basically we were taught the wrong way to pronounce this word long long time ago when policeman wear shorts... Haha!! Nobody corrected this mispronounciation. Did u noe that it is more tiring to pronounce as Wed-Nez-Day becoz ur mouth have to move 3 times compared to only 2? Mouth cannot sit still is it? Haha!!

The 'Speak Good English Movement' also encourages the people to improve their command of English and to make a conscious effort to speak Standard English. But let us not forget that correct pronounciation is also as important. Want to say, say correctly lah... "Malu' u noe go Ang Moh country and say like that. Hehe...

Who should be blamed? Teachers? Or the teacher's teacher? Or the teacher's teacher's teacher? (wait, i untie my tongue first). No point blaming. At least wat we could do right now is to teach the correct pronounciation to the later generation. Wat's wrong should be corrected. Better late than never.

If u can't look professional, at least sound professional.
All right then. Cheers for now.

Monday, August 21, 2006

iPod Anyone?

OK! Listen up! To all my friends who have an iPod. Check out the latest iPod model. Damn cool! How i wished i followed u guys advice on getting an iPod. Now i regret...

(NOTE: The video is a joke. I've had friends who really believed that iPod is releasing this model. Haha! Tic-Tacs anyone?)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Men Are From Mars, Biker Chics From Venus?

Hmmm... it seems more and more gals are riding motorcycles these days. Gone were the days where the motorcycle was once seen as something which is perceived as musculine and not for the gentle. I've seen gals riding ranging from scooters to road bikes and even to the Class 2 (above 400cc) BMW scrambler. I jealous u noe! Haha! Actually, i find them sexy lah ride bike...

There could be a few factors that made these gals to decide on riding a motorcycle than to a car. As the times change, so do mindsets and perception. Perhaps the practicality of riding has finally sets in to the modern thinking gal. It could be even be the high price of owning and maintaining cars compared to it's 2 wheeled counterpart. Whatever it is, i support gals doing so. Hehe... can see gals more clearly on the road. Everyday see 'tar poh' sian lah!

Aniwae, here is something to ponder about...

Men riding bikes - Very common
Men with female pillion - Quite common
Women riding bikes - Getting common
Women with male pillions - ?? Never seen leh...

Can i be the first one please please please!!? But when i pillion, i like to hold tight tight. I scared u noe... hehe...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bras, Boxers & Panties

Let me ask u this question: What is the similarity between a men's underwear section and a women's lingerie section?

Ans : U can find female customers at both sections.

There was this day when i was out 'jalan-jalan' at John Little. As i passed by the men's section, i saw two gals browsing through the boxer shorts. Now, such a sight is quite common and acceptable. Most people would probably think that those two gals are probably buying for their boyfriends or husbands.

But how come people won't tink the same when men are browsing bras and panties at the lingerie section. It's as if something is wrong with the picture. People would give one kind of look. I doubt people would tink the guy was buying for his girlfriend, wife, mother or grandmother at first thought!

Ask any man and they would most probably shy away from such section. And wat makes men keep away from this section? Is it because of the thoughts that woman have when they see men at lingerie section? Men also want to see see look look touch touch also u noe! I tell u, the paddings on bras nowadays are soooooo.... soft... and the models at bras advertisements.... wah lau eh!! Dunno what to say leh.... ekekekekekeke!!!

How did this stereotyping of men buying lingerie come about? Is it because of our conservative thinking? Our asian values where sexuality is a taboo? And how come it's OK for women to buy underwear for men? Not fair leh!! The men dun get it!! (eh... sounds like an advertisement leh..)

Let me share with you all a joke:

When a Man talk sex on the phone with a Woman,
it's Sexual Harassment
When a Woman talk sex on the phone with a Man,
it's $5 per minute

Do u Yahoo?

Recently my cousin from Malaysia visited me. He was a close cousin to me probably because we do not have such an age gap and thus could get along quite well (still, i'm more handsome than him, haha!). Before he left for Malaysia, i asked him if he has a MSN messenger account so that we could chat and keep in touch online. Well, he had a Yahoo Messenger account but he was nice enuf to sign up one on MSN so that we could stay in contact.

As a result from the above incident, I've made a very interesting discovery. Malaysians tend to prefer Yahoo. Singaporeans on the other hand prefer MSN. If u were to ask me, MSN is much easier and more user freindly to use. But Malaysians think otherwise. Another interesting discovery that I have found is with regards to cars between the two countries. When it comes to parking, Singaporeans tend to reverse park. Malaysians not so. For a quicker getaway is it? Run from who?! Haha!!

Well, we may have out differences, but as one of the 'Scorpions' song goes... We all live under the same sun... i.e we are all humans..

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bigger Better, Faster More

When I bought my 4GB (4000MB) memory card for my handphone, people say i 'Siow'. Need so much space for what!!? Howlien!! Well, i just replied, i needed the space. Aniwae got use ur money meh? There is a practicality for a bigger memory space as nowadays handphones are getting more advanced. Instead of just handling phone calls and smses, phones nowadays can do so much more and all these takes up space. Look at the following:

A typical MP3 song with a 128 bitrate (CD quality) will take an average of 4MB for a 4 minute song. U have 10 songs and the total space will be about 40MB .

Videos in 3GP format, especially music videos, will also take up a similar space.

Not to mention the amount of memory needed to take pictures on 2 mega pixel phone camera. Heck! They now have 3.2 mega pixel phone camera! Wah lau eh!

As u can see, 80 - 90MB is easily taken up. Not to mention other applications which u may put inside such as games. So eventually, ur memory will definately run out and ur gonna need a bigger space. Having a bigger memory space can also act as a backup for other files. These too takes up space.

Anyway, as of today, I'm left with onli 500MB. If anybody has any news an 8GB space is available, dun forget to tell me hor.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

If I can Bake, So can U

I decided to bake something today. So i tot, why not bake Brownies. No. Not that girl guide stuffs. Come let me show u how to do it...

Stir together the butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl. Add eggs and beat well.

Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt beating until well blended and finally stir in walnuts.

Spread the batter evenly into greased pan.

Dun forget to heat up the oven!

For the frosting, beat butter, cocoa, corn syrup and vanilla in small bowl until blended. Add powdered sugar and milk; beat until consistent...

spread over brownies...

and voila! Brownies...!

Hmmm... a scoop of ice-cream on top would be nice...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Why Friendster?

Alamak!! This kind of question oso want to ask me. Why? My age cannot make friends meh? Wat do u expect me to do at this age? Play with bird under void deck every evening? Drink kopi and chat with my kakis at the nearby coffee shop? Seow! Must give others a chance to make friends with me lah. Dun be selfish leh. Dun keep me just to urself.. haha!!

I believe in the saying "It's never too late to start anything."

Inapproprite in some context but not in this case i believe, so why restrict urself in trying out or experiencing something new? You onli live once so fulfill it as much as possiblle. It's not as if if ur life fails there is a 1 to 1 exchange for a brand new one. Receipt oso dun have leh.

Oklah. Enuf of talking to u ol' folks. I wanna go play Maple and NeoPets. Wanna join?

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?

Every now and then I do receive emails saying that this is dangerous, that is scary and many others. There's the story abt KFC's mutilated chickens, needles at phone booth coin return area and many more. Most of us, in the concern of our friends and love ones, forward such emails to share the knowledge. Such an act is indeed noble, i agree. Now, before u click ur mouse over the 'Send' button, do take some time to search for the truth, cos mostly, those stories that u read are untrue. Never assume that wat u read at first hand is true, becoz when u assume, u make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. Haha!

The internet holds a lot of information. Both good and bad. It can be the best teacher or ur worst informer. The truth is out there, but we're gonna have to look for it. It's fine if the information that u share is true. In such a case u have done a good deed, but if it's false, aren't u misleading? Now, such untrue stories are called hoax or urban legends.

That said, let me share wif u one of the hoax which i truly love. Remember! Dun spread this info ah!

Ooohhh..... How i wish it was true.... can give me a very good excuse... hehe

Easy Money? Yeah rite!

Is there such thing as an easy money? Do u walk on the road and suddenly money fall from the sky? I dun think so. Unless ur really that lucky. Luck is something u can't always count on. There are different ways to get money. And working hard for one is the best way to do it. Not sitting around and wait for it to happen. No matter how desperate u r.

Most of us has probably received emails about getting money quick. And all are too good to be true if u ask me. There's the Nigerian money scam and recently I've received at my friendster message about getting money without even a loan! Take a look at the message:


Wah lau eh! So good ah? Still need to give photocopy of IC meh? CPF statement oso want.

Want to give, just give lah

Friday, August 11, 2006


Wah lau eh...


Another one. Hehe...


Most of us dun like Maths. In fact, Maths is one of the subjects where u could possibly get full marks compared to the other subjects. Take a look at wat this Peter guy did. Haha! The teacher sure can get heart attack...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's Only Words

We use words in our normal daily life. But there are words which are actually a generic name that we habitually use that it becomes a common word. Take for example "Walkman". Walkman is a brand name by Sony but most commonly used to represent any forms of portable audio device.

Here are a few more which u might have 'misused':

  • Jeep - Offroad vehicle
  • Kotex – tampon or other feminine sanitary products
  • Scotch Tape - adhesive tape
  • Pampers - disposable diapers
  • Colgate - toothpaste
  • Panadol - paracetamol tablets
  • Clorox - household bleach
  • Kiwi - shoe polish
  • Tupperware - plastic food containers
  • Discman – portable CD player
  • Thermos – vacuum flask
  • Handiplas - adhesive bandage
  • Blu-Tack - pressure-sensitive adhesive
  • Oxy - Acne cream
  • Maggi - instant noodles.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Can Hear?

The speaker walks into the hall. The audience starts to quiet down. The speaker places his materials on the table. He thens takes his place infront of the audience. He could see that some of his audience are seated quite far away from him. He takes the microphone, switches it ON and says

"Can you all hear me at the back?"

And the audience at the back replies
"Nooo............. Cannot hear..!"

Duh!! Dun't u tink that's dumb? How could they reply to the speaker if, in the first place, they cannot even hear what the question was!? Stupid lah! If cannot hear, there shouldn't be any reply at all!

As always, humans never fail to amaze me.

Monday, August 7, 2006


Have u seen a watch/clock advertisement? Do u notice that most of the time, the time is 10:10 no matter wat brand it is. Why ah? I've heard that the 'V' of the hands represents a smile thus makes it more 'pleasing'. Others say it is due to aesthetic.

Actual reason? Dunno.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

MP3 songs too Loud/Soft?

Most of us have MP3 players. Whether it's the iPod, Creative or any other brand. Now, you've probably have experienced the need to adjust the volume of your MP3 player becoz some songs tend to be louder and some, softer. Doing so can be quite frustrating. This is quite common because ur MP3 songs do not come from the same source during conversion and each has a different volume setting.

Ur can basically do 2 things. U can either live with it or u can follow my advice. Want to follow my advice? U sure? I'm crazy u noe. Well, OK then. This is how u do it.

The thing that u must do to ur songs is to 'Normalize' them. This process adjusts ur songs to a level which u think is loud enough. And when all ur songs are 'Normalized', u won't need to be increasing or decreasing the volume becoz they each will have the same volume setting. To do this 'Normalizing', u will need to run a software and this software is to be installed on ur computer. I'd recommend MP3Gain. U can get it here: .

So now u can enjoy ur songs without having to increase/decrease the volume.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

From Japan with Love

I had the chance to visit the 'Land of the Rising Sun' a couple of years back for a business trip. Though this post may be a little outdated, I guess it would be OK since some of you may like to know what was it like there. My trip to Japan was at the end of the month of November, early December. Winter was approaching soon and the temperature has started to dip below 10 deg C. The flight took close to 8 hours. Boring leh. It's not as if during the flight u can go out and take some fresh air. Besides sleeping, I managed to watch 'i,Robot' and 'Garfield' from the in-flight movie.

In Japan, I was welcomed by my Japanese collegue who brought me to the hotel where I would be staying for the next 3 days. My stay was to be at a hotel in a city called Tokorozawa. During the journey there, I get to see the popular Mt Fuji. As usual, the next day was work but I'm not going to describe that to u as it would most probably make you go to dreamland. Food was expensive, but doesn't matter to me much as got people 'belanja' me there. Haha!

On the second last day, my collegeue brought me to a place called Akihabara for some R&R. Most of u would probably be familiar with Sim Lim Square and Funan Center where electronic shops are abundance. To describe Akihabara, just imagine every shop at Orchard Road is Sim Lim Square. U'll get the picture. It's an electronic fanatics wet dream! Everywhere was electronics! Cool man! Most shops at that time were selling heating related products. There was a carpet with a heating element bulit inside as well as a heater shaped like an electric fan. I also get to visit a very popular shrine which was a tourist hotspot. It was indeed magnificent sight.

My only dissapointment there was there I didn't get a chance to see Ultraman. He's probably somewhere fighting monsters far away from Tokyo. Godzilla? Didn't meet him either. On vacation I guess. On my return flight, I watched 'i,Robot' and 'Garfield' again! Sian leh. Wat to do. Rather than see clouds.

Don't Follow Me. I'm Lost Too.

Most of us love to shop. Of course it would be more fun when you have the money. If not, there's always window shopping. I dun know about you all but I hate it when the salesperson follows me around. Can't they just leave their customers alone and only provide service when the customer needs it? I just want to look look see see onli. Must need escort meh? They still follow even though I told them that I just wanted to have a look. I didn't book a package to go shopping. I applied for 'Free N Easy'! They never heard of the phrase 'See no Touch' ah?

The worst in my opinion are spectacle shops. Wah lau eh! Go in and they will bring out everything for you to try. Say this one nice lah, this one latest design lah, this one very light lah, blah blah blah... It's like being cornered into making a decision and I noticed a great deal of human psychology is involved. U r like being forced into a decision whether u like it or not.

When it comes to shopping, I am a saleperson's worst potential customer. And most of the time, I ended up being a non-purchasing customer. Hahaha! Leave ur customers alone. Assists them onli when they have a request, for example asking for an advice, requesting a specific size or trying to find a particular item. And never forget the two most important rules:

  • Rule 1: The customer is always Right
  • Rule 2: If you think that the customer is wrong, see Rule No. 1

Friday, August 4, 2006

Sound DO Travel Faster then Light

I was with my younger bro the other day and during our conversation, he was bragging about his knowledge on Science saying that light travels faster than sound, that we see lightning first than the sound of thunder, blah ... blah... blah.. So I told him..

"Look, I can prove to you that sound can also be faster than light!"

Of course he was skeptic. How could I, his crazy, good-for nothing brother be able to debunk the laws of Science. I'm not even a Scientist! So I told him to do just one thing to prove my stupid theory and something which all of you can also try at home.

Switch ON ur TV. You'll notice that you will hear the sound first that the picture will come out. Doesn't that proves that sound travels faster than light? Hahahaha! Dr Khairul (Ph.D) at ur service.

The End?

I asked myself this question on the first day I started blogging. Will there be an end to my blogging? Will I run out of things to write? If ur blog is kinda of like a diary, u basically could write the daily happenings in ur life and for that case there is always sumthing to write. But not for my concept for blogging. There are cases where people blog and after some time just ran out of steam.. For every beginning there will surely be an ending..

I wonder how mine will end...?

Thursday, August 3, 2006


I have a huge collection of jokes mainly in Malay (sorilah my English speaking friends) which I used to send to my friends until one day they grew tired because the jokes comes in faster than they can laugh 'Hahaha'. So, I tot it would be a great idea to have my jokes at a blog. So here it is :

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Yellow Box

Aiyoh! It seems harder for smokers like me to smoke at eating places nowadays now that the smoking ban at eating places has been enforced. Wat to do. Rules r rules. Eating establishments can designate only 20% of the floor area at their outdoor refreshment area as a smoking corner. Customers can now enjoy more outdoor eating spaces without the artificial haze in the air.

But as an advise for eating establishments (just in case my readers have an eating establishment) who have been considerate enough to provide a smoking area for smokers, pls provide sufficient ashtrays at the table. No point having a smoking area with no ashtrays to throw away the cigarette butts.

It's like providing a toilet with no toilet bowl. 'Panjio' where?

North South?

In school, my Science teacher taught us that for magnets, unlike poles attract and like poles repel. Which means the North of a magnet will get attracted to the South of another magnet. Compass works in the same way. In fact a compass is also a magnet.

Now, a compass North indicate the North pole. But, isn't it supposed to point to the South Pole? ??? Unlike poles attract mah! Confusing leh!!