Monday, November 20, 2006

One Leg Kicking

Soccer. There are however some who dun understand why the world's most popular sport involves 22 men on a field chasing one ball when each man already has their own balls. Got 2 some more! Haha!

Aniwae, for this post i'm gonna write about a futsal tournament which was held recently by my company last Saturday. And this is the Official Blog for the tournament! Why? Becoz nobody else write about it except me. Hahahaha!!! Futsal is miniaturized version of soccer. Only this time 10 men are chasing one ball!

Well, the tournament started at 8am. Players and supporters arrived for registration, collecting of door gifts as well as dropping their names for the lucky draw. Can win DVD player yer noe!

There are 5 teams competing in the tournament for this year. They are F7, IPO United, Team Japan (Japanese company lah), Oxymoros (my team. dun ask me wat it means. i oso dunno), and Ex-men which comprises of ex-staffs. The game was fine except for the scorching heat. Buey tahan leh! So hot! Make me even hotter! Haha!

Here's where the 'control center' is. All administrative work is done here. The chairs were there for people to sit but ended up for T-shirts instead! Talk about wasting of resources.. Haha!

Some of the spectators who came down to support the teams together with their families. Luckily one of the door gifts was a hat so quite appropriate for the weather.

The match started off with a special opening match between the ladies and the heads of the different divisions of the company. Ended with a draw. (i think. Wasn't paying attention to the game as i was busy lookin at the ladies. Haha!)

Medals for the winning teams and trophies for the top scorer and 'Man Of The Match'. Gold plated ah! Dun play play hor! Haha!

This is the trophy for 'Man of The Match' which was awarded to Sebastian (Makansutra host look alike). If it was the 'Most Handsome Man of the Match', sure i get one. Hahaha!!

I was in-charged of updating the scoreboard. Most of the matches ended with a goalless draw. Was feelin kinda bored so decided to play Tic Tac Toe. Hehe...

Some of the ex-staffs which formed the Ex-Men team. Great to see them back again. Just like ol' times...

The final standings. The teams that got into the finals were Team Japan and Oxymoros.

The final ended with a draw so it had to be decided by a penalty kick even after the extra time has been played. Oxymoros won 3-2 by penalty.

Committee members preparing for the lucky draw as well as for the prize presentation.

Team Japan receiving their medals for being runner up. Congrats guys!

Even kids receive medals too! U see, soccer is a game for all ages.

Team Japan posing for the camera for the team photo.

The champion Oxymoros with their team photo. Great work guys!

The top scorer goes to Nicholas from Oxymoros. Total goals = 2. Angela (sorry guys u could onli see her back) was the official photographer for that day. She very 'chio' yer noe! Wasted ah those who never come. Haha!

The medal which i've won. Nice? Can place alongside with my other World Cup/UEFA Cup/Spanish Liga/Malaysian Cup and S.League medals. Haha!

P.S This will be my last post for the year. Hey! Even writers and novelists need a break u noe! Haha! Hope that you have enjoyed readin this blog by a crazy person. Take care and will return back in 2007. Ciao!