Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Health Is Wealth

Sumthing happened at work today. I was in a conversation with a colleague when she noticed another of our colleague (whose name was Wilson) walking around. This colleague of mine noticed that this Wilson looked slimmer than before. So we called him over to explain his secret.

Turns out he was taking some form of medicine to reduce his weight problem. It's some kind of bowel removal thinghy to remove the bad and excess oils from your body. As the conversation progresses, i noticed sumthing. This Wilson has many professions actually! I tot he was onli an engineer! Haha! Take a look at the conversation.

Wilson as a male MODEL

Colleague : Wah Wilson! U slim down ah!

Wilson : Hehe... (shows off his stomach)

Wilson as a DOCTOR

Colleague : What does this medicine do?

Wilson : This thing ah.... later after u eat, 6 hours later u will 'buang' everything including all the oils. Veri good one!


Colleague : Wah, 1 month must pay about $90 leh..

Wilson : Onli 90 lorler. Ur health more important u noe. Money can get..


Wilson : After u take this, i recommend u another medicine. This will balance out ur body. Our body need certain vitamins so this one can supplement those vitamins not enuff.

Haha! Wilson wilson...