Friday, November 17, 2006

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

A colleague at work called me up yesterday to ask me how i was. Apparently she noticed sumthing amiss about me as these past few days i haven't been much interacting or striking up a conversation with her. i told her i was fine and still as handsome as ever. Haha! I consider myself lucky for having such a caring friend.

For those who know me personally, im just a nice guy lah. Never wanting to disappoint anybody and will always help out to my utmost capability. Someone who couldn't keep still and always like to disturb people. Haha! Probably the absence of my 'normal' self has prompted her to think that sumthing is wrong.

Well, perhaps my current work commitments has made me a little less than wat im really am. But the problem with this for people like me is that the slightest change in the behaviour is very much noticeable. Haiz.. During such times, some say i look fierce lah, moody lah... wateverlah. I guess they expect me to be 'gila' 24hrs! U tink im 7-11 is it?!

But sumtimes im confused. Being quiet and less sociable is wrong. Being sociable and nice is also wrong! Wah lau eh!! I guess some people see it as being too nice. But then im just being myself. How? A friend even once told me not to be too nice to her as it makes her feel awkward! ????

Well, that's just me. When im into doing sumthing, i tend to withdraw myself from the surrounding. Everyone has some kind of 'alter ego'. Some more noticeable than others. But i will always be me.

And as one of the Gun's & Roses song goes... "Sumtimes i need some time, on my own. Sumtimes i need some time, all alone..."