Monday, November 13, 2006

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Last Saturday i went to Toys "R" Us to look at, what else, toys lah. Duh! I'm still young so i dun feel out of place. Perhaps some of you may not be aware of this but did you know last time Toys "R" Us does not allow children below a certain age to enter the shop without being accompanied by an adult? Serious lah. No joke! Quite silly actually. A toy shop selling toys which are meant for children but children cannot go. Well, now they've changed the rules and babies can now go there also. Haha!

Anyway, back to the toy store. Such a huge range of toys! Kids nowadays are spoilt for choice. Things that you've never imagined to be made into a toy is now available. From soft toys to ones which have electronics built inside. Impressive. Last time i onli played with plastic army men. Toys nowadays are meant to mimic things which a grown up would usually be associated with. This allows children to play make-belief and in a way, 'maturized' their thinking and creativity.

Doctor playset are quite common. U've got the stethoscope, thermometer, syringes and others lah. But then i saw sumthing. They now have uniforms! Wah piang eh! Children wearing doctor uniforms?! I thought superhero costumes were enough but this is kinda creepy. Though kids may think of it as harmless, adults would probably go into fantasy mode when they see one. Haha! Some of u all sure got fetish for people wearing a certain kinda of costume. Dun 'bedek' lah... U bunch of sickos!... Aiyoh... later got so many paedophiles how?! Haha!

Hmmm.......I wonder when the nurse and maid uniform will come out.... Hehe....

Hellooooooooooooooooo... nurse!