Tuesday, November 7, 2006


A colleague at work once asked me this question a couple of years back...

If your wife is giving birth and the doctor said due to complications you have to choose either to save the mother's life or the baby, who would you choose?

Sounds like an ethical question to me. Depending on how u see it, such a decision can be both right and wrong. No matter what, either one (the mother or the baby) would never get to see each other. So how do u decide? Who should you choose? Is there such a thing as who more deserve to be alive than the other?

Any decision taken will be scrutinized, critiqued or supported by people. If u chose the mother to live, people would say why should the baby be denied the chance to live in this world? Others may refute back u can always have another baby. And if you chose the baby to live, people might say u have intentions of gettin another wife. Haiz...

We all have to make decisions in life. Some are easy and some are tough. And my 16 years of living (i'm still young lah. Realli!) has taught me one thing. You can never please or satisfy everybody. It's just impossible! And it's good enough if you can make 70 - 80 % happy. Everybody has differences. From thinking to opinion. Wats important is that u are happy with your decision and never look back, except to use it as a life lesson so that you won't make the same 'mistake'.

Everybody has their own reasons behind their decision. It could be based on upbringing, religion, racial or just 'feel right' thinking. Aniwae, back to the question. In case u're wondering on my decision, I chose the latter.