Monday, November 20, 2006

One Leg Kicking

Soccer. There are however some who dun understand why the world's most popular sport involves 22 men on a field chasing one ball when each man already has their own balls. Got 2 some more! Haha!

Aniwae, for this post i'm gonna write about a futsal tournament which was held recently by my company last Saturday. And this is the Official Blog for the tournament! Why? Becoz nobody else write about it except me. Hahahaha!!! Futsal is miniaturized version of soccer. Only this time 10 men are chasing one ball!

Well, the tournament started at 8am. Players and supporters arrived for registration, collecting of door gifts as well as dropping their names for the lucky draw. Can win DVD player yer noe!

There are 5 teams competing in the tournament for this year. They are F7, IPO United, Team Japan (Japanese company lah), Oxymoros (my team. dun ask me wat it means. i oso dunno), and Ex-men which comprises of ex-staffs. The game was fine except for the scorching heat. Buey tahan leh! So hot! Make me even hotter! Haha!

Here's where the 'control center' is. All administrative work is done here. The chairs were there for people to sit but ended up for T-shirts instead! Talk about wasting of resources.. Haha!

Some of the spectators who came down to support the teams together with their families. Luckily one of the door gifts was a hat so quite appropriate for the weather.

The match started off with a special opening match between the ladies and the heads of the different divisions of the company. Ended with a draw. (i think. Wasn't paying attention to the game as i was busy lookin at the ladies. Haha!)

Medals for the winning teams and trophies for the top scorer and 'Man Of The Match'. Gold plated ah! Dun play play hor! Haha!

This is the trophy for 'Man of The Match' which was awarded to Sebastian (Makansutra host look alike). If it was the 'Most Handsome Man of the Match', sure i get one. Hahaha!!

I was in-charged of updating the scoreboard. Most of the matches ended with a goalless draw. Was feelin kinda bored so decided to play Tic Tac Toe. Hehe...

Some of the ex-staffs which formed the Ex-Men team. Great to see them back again. Just like ol' times...

The final standings. The teams that got into the finals were Team Japan and Oxymoros.

The final ended with a draw so it had to be decided by a penalty kick even after the extra time has been played. Oxymoros won 3-2 by penalty.

Committee members preparing for the lucky draw as well as for the prize presentation.

Team Japan receiving their medals for being runner up. Congrats guys!

Even kids receive medals too! U see, soccer is a game for all ages.

Team Japan posing for the camera for the team photo.

The champion Oxymoros with their team photo. Great work guys!

The top scorer goes to Nicholas from Oxymoros. Total goals = 2. Angela (sorry guys u could onli see her back) was the official photographer for that day. She very 'chio' yer noe! Wasted ah those who never come. Haha!

The medal which i've won. Nice? Can place alongside with my other World Cup/UEFA Cup/Spanish Liga/Malaysian Cup and S.League medals. Haha!

P.S This will be my last post for the year. Hey! Even writers and novelists need a break u noe! Haha! Hope that you have enjoyed readin this blog by a crazy person. Take care and will return back in 2007. Ciao!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


I managed to catch the latest James Bond movie, Casino Royale (pronounced roi-al), last Friday right after work at Jurong Point. Quite a full house since it was just the second day the movie had been released for screening. The show was 2hrs plus so as i had advised earlier in one of my post, to refrain from going to the loo during the show, avoid sweet stuffs.

Some of u may have read the synopsis of the show. It basically tells us how James Bond becomes.... James Bond. You can see that in his early days the famous agent was still rough around the edges, very rash in his actions and still sloppy in clearing his tracks.

Frankly, when i watched Casino Royale, i dun feel like im watching a James Bond movie. One of the elements that made James Bond enjoyable was missing. Gadgets! Not even 1! Even his car cannot do anything. It's like watching a normal action movie! Wah piang eh! The only thing enjoyable to watch was the fighting. Very rough. Unlike other James Bond movie.

My opinion of Daniel Craig as the new 007 agent? He's OK lah. To me, the person that plays James Bond doesn't need to be handsome. He does however needs to be charming. Like me. Hahah!

As a Bond movie, it's terribly disappointing. As an action movie, it's enjoyable. I just hope my 4th movie to watch at the cinema this year which is 'A Night At The Museum' would not be so disappointing.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

A colleague at work called me up yesterday to ask me how i was. Apparently she noticed sumthing amiss about me as these past few days i haven't been much interacting or striking up a conversation with her. i told her i was fine and still as handsome as ever. Haha! I consider myself lucky for having such a caring friend.

For those who know me personally, im just a nice guy lah. Never wanting to disappoint anybody and will always help out to my utmost capability. Someone who couldn't keep still and always like to disturb people. Haha! Probably the absence of my 'normal' self has prompted her to think that sumthing is wrong.

Well, perhaps my current work commitments has made me a little less than wat im really am. But the problem with this for people like me is that the slightest change in the behaviour is very much noticeable. Haiz.. During such times, some say i look fierce lah, moody lah... wateverlah. I guess they expect me to be 'gila' 24hrs! U tink im 7-11 is it?!

But sumtimes im confused. Being quiet and less sociable is wrong. Being sociable and nice is also wrong! Wah lau eh!! I guess some people see it as being too nice. But then im just being myself. How? A friend even once told me not to be too nice to her as it makes her feel awkward! ????

Well, that's just me. When im into doing sumthing, i tend to withdraw myself from the surrounding. Everyone has some kind of 'alter ego'. Some more noticeable than others. But i will always be me.

And as one of the Gun's & Roses song goes... "Sumtimes i need some time, on my own. Sumtimes i need some time, all alone..."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Health Is Wealth

Sumthing happened at work today. I was in a conversation with a colleague when she noticed another of our colleague (whose name was Wilson) walking around. This colleague of mine noticed that this Wilson looked slimmer than before. So we called him over to explain his secret.

Turns out he was taking some form of medicine to reduce his weight problem. It's some kind of bowel removal thinghy to remove the bad and excess oils from your body. As the conversation progresses, i noticed sumthing. This Wilson has many professions actually! I tot he was onli an engineer! Haha! Take a look at the conversation.

Wilson as a male MODEL

Colleague : Wah Wilson! U slim down ah!

Wilson : Hehe... (shows off his stomach)

Wilson as a DOCTOR

Colleague : What does this medicine do?

Wilson : This thing ah.... later after u eat, 6 hours later u will 'buang' everything including all the oils. Veri good one!


Colleague : Wah, 1 month must pay about $90 leh..

Wilson : Onli 90 lorler. Ur health more important u noe. Money can get..


Wilson : After u take this, i recommend u another medicine. This will balance out ur body. Our body need certain vitamins so this one can supplement those vitamins not enuff.

Haha! Wilson wilson...

Monday, November 13, 2006

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

Last Saturday i went to Toys "R" Us to look at, what else, toys lah. Duh! I'm still young so i dun feel out of place. Perhaps some of you may not be aware of this but did you know last time Toys "R" Us does not allow children below a certain age to enter the shop without being accompanied by an adult? Serious lah. No joke! Quite silly actually. A toy shop selling toys which are meant for children but children cannot go. Well, now they've changed the rules and babies can now go there also. Haha!

Anyway, back to the toy store. Such a huge range of toys! Kids nowadays are spoilt for choice. Things that you've never imagined to be made into a toy is now available. From soft toys to ones which have electronics built inside. Impressive. Last time i onli played with plastic army men. Toys nowadays are meant to mimic things which a grown up would usually be associated with. This allows children to play make-belief and in a way, 'maturized' their thinking and creativity.

Doctor playset are quite common. U've got the stethoscope, thermometer, syringes and others lah. But then i saw sumthing. They now have uniforms! Wah piang eh! Children wearing doctor uniforms?! I thought superhero costumes were enough but this is kinda creepy. Though kids may think of it as harmless, adults would probably go into fantasy mode when they see one. Haha! Some of u all sure got fetish for people wearing a certain kinda of costume. Dun 'bedek' lah... U bunch of sickos!... Aiyoh... later got so many paedophiles how?! Haha!

Hmmm.......I wonder when the nurse and maid uniform will come out.... Hehe....

Hellooooooooooooooooo... nurse!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mix And Match

A recent survey conducted by the 'Khairul Research and Observation Group' (heheh) revealed that more and more young gals nowadays are gettin..... Prettier. I wonder why. Especially the younger generations. Sometimes you can even predict that they are going to grow up to be beautiful just by lookin at them while they are still young. Of course there are some 'Ugly Duckling' cases.

Is it the food we eat? Might be. Although food is usually associated with obesity. Cosmetics? Perhaps. Now more and more cosmetic items are available in the market. And the information to use them correctly and maximize it's full potential can be found in fashion magazines, television shows as well as on the internet. I guess it does help. But the biggest factor for this to happen have to be the parents. Children will take on certain traits of the parents and when those traits/features mix and match it turns out to be better.

Just take a look at Desiree Ann Siahan. (Sorilah Desiree i use u as an example) Wah! So 'chio' leh! (dats why lor i chose u as an example) She is of Indonesian and Dutch parentage (actually got some more but too long to write lah. Haha!) Dun noe her? Nevermind (Desiree, please dun take it too hard they dun noe u. These people never watch TV one. Haha!) Mix to me are pretty. Some may not agree with me on this. However, I myself have never seen a mix who is not pretty. So for those who have seen an unpretty one, please show to me. They have a certain kind of unique beauty not found on others.

Not necessarily onli mix will turn out pretty. Those who are not mix are also known to be pretty. The fusion of people over many generations has resulted in good lookin children. A child make take a mothers' nose and fathers' eyes which happen to be the best feature of the parents and when u have both the features, the result would be good.

Anyway, beauty is only skin deep and in the eyes of the beholder. If u tink a girl is pretty, pretty lor. People have different views and understanding on beauty. And many overlook on true beauty. True beauty is natural. Not made up. And there is one way to see this. Yo guys take note! The best time to see how 'beautiful' ur girlfriend is is to look at them when they wake up in the morning. If they look as beautiful as they were with make-up, dats true beauty.

True beauty is when you are at your most natural. What better way than to take a look at them in the mornin. Unless they put on make-up to go to sleep!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006


A few days ago I received an email from a service which I subscribed some time ago. In order to access that information, I have to log in at their website. No lah. Not porn website lah. U have ah?! Share leh... dun stingy lah. Haha!! But wait! I can't even remember my username! Sian! It seems our lives are full of usernames and passwords. Blame technology security for that! Initially still controllable lah. But as u register with more online services such as web emails and forums, it gets out of hand.

Firstly the username. Sure, some of us use an identical username for our accounts. This email username: khairulcrazy. That email username oso khairulcrazy. The strategy in using identical usernames is useful in helping us not to forget. But hey! No all of them are applicable yer noe! Some require you to include numbers! And some require a certain amount of character! Wah lau eh! So if u've been using a particular username whose character quantity is not enough for a new registration, u have to think of a new name or include additional characters. And for some, that username has been taken! Say bye bye to ur standardized username.

The password. Aiyah.. No need to explain lah. The username itself can cause so much headache the password is there to turn ur headaches into a migraine.

Just imagine the number of usernames and passwords u have to remember for your office email, home email (u might have more than 1), forums, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQs, Blogs, Community websites, Porn websites... Haha!

Now, that's onli the internet. How 'bout ur ATM cards? Wah piang eh! Seems like u have to reserve a certain amount of memory of ur brain just for usernames, passwords and PIN numbers. Even though there are ways to get back what u've forgotten, it's 'leceh' lah. Must dig here dig there, request this request that, send this send that, bla bla bla... Aiyoh...!

In an effort to provide security for us, we have to remember all these numbers and characters. Last time where got all this. What was important back then was ur signature or thumbprint even though there are still being used now in certain situations. Jst ask urselves, how many of these passwords and usernames have u forgotten. Sure got at least 1!

Tuesday, November 7, 2006


A colleague at work once asked me this question a couple of years back...

If your wife is giving birth and the doctor said due to complications you have to choose either to save the mother's life or the baby, who would you choose?

Sounds like an ethical question to me. Depending on how u see it, such a decision can be both right and wrong. No matter what, either one (the mother or the baby) would never get to see each other. So how do u decide? Who should you choose? Is there such a thing as who more deserve to be alive than the other?

Any decision taken will be scrutinized, critiqued or supported by people. If u chose the mother to live, people would say why should the baby be denied the chance to live in this world? Others may refute back u can always have another baby. And if you chose the baby to live, people might say u have intentions of gettin another wife. Haiz...

We all have to make decisions in life. Some are easy and some are tough. And my 16 years of living (i'm still young lah. Realli!) has taught me one thing. You can never please or satisfy everybody. It's just impossible! And it's good enough if you can make 70 - 80 % happy. Everybody has differences. From thinking to opinion. Wats important is that u are happy with your decision and never look back, except to use it as a life lesson so that you won't make the same 'mistake'.

Everybody has their own reasons behind their decision. It could be based on upbringing, religion, racial or just 'feel right' thinking. Aniwae, back to the question. In case u're wondering on my decision, I chose the latter.

Monday, November 6, 2006

Lost In Space

I've heard so much hoo-haa about this Vivocity being the largest shopping centre in Singapore so decided to check it out myself lah. Wah! So big and packed leh! It's a shoppers heaven + HEADACHE!! Even though not all the shops are occupied, still it manages to attract thousands of shoppers as well as the kaypoh-kaypohs. Haha! It spans from Habour Front up to the 'causeway' that leads to Sentosa.

It's amazing wat used to be a quiet place (except for the occasional expos) has become a large shopping experience. Almost every shop that you can think off is available there. From sumthing for the young to sumthing for the old. Some more can go Batam if you want! Haha! The centre itself has it's own form of ideas to attract and promote the place. Got this guy as if controlling traffic holding signs indicating shop locations.

Just be prepared to get lost and lose your sense of direction there. Bring along a compass, maps, atlas and streetdirectory. Haha! Aniwae, if u need to get back on track, directions are written on the pillars of the building.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Condom Medium

I've seen so many condominium ads. Each of them is different of course. Everything looked so nice and professional. But most of the time they have one thing in common. At the swimming pool sure got some girl wearing bikini. Some looked local and some looked ang moh. it's kinda exaggerating lah.. Got meh gals at the swimming pool wearing bikini once the condominium is ready? Bedek lah.

Knowing that our community is 'preserved' and not so open, such a sight is so unlikely and can onli be seen at ang moh countries. Naked oso have. Haha! Are they trying to attract potential buyer's attention? Boy, would they be so disappointed. Hehe.. If such a thing is true, u think people living at the condominium wanna leave their house to go to work? I surely won't. Haha! I would buy telescope, periscope and all kind of scopes except stethoscope to see them up close. I sure become a volunteer lifeguard. Haha!

Friday, November 3, 2006


A colleugue at work once asked me,

Eh Khairul, do you have a credit card?

And i replied,

Poor man like me where got credit card. Debit card got lah!

She replied back,

Actually, a rich man owns a debit card.

Though i'm still thinking of wat she says, it's a fact that in order to have a credit card under your name, you have to earn quite considerably to be eligible. I've never really liked the idea of havin a credit card. Depending on how u see it, a credit card to me is taking a loan from a legal "Ah Long". It's not as if you're using your existing money to pay for what you spend on it even though you do pay it back at a later date. In a way, u owe money.

Credit cards do not pose a problem until it comes to a time where ur bills started to accumulate. I've read stories about people who owns multiple credit cards and runs into the trouble of being declared a bakrupt. Some even pay their credit card bills using other credit cards! Whoa! When will it end?

Many of us are aware of such things. And we will always say that we have good self-control and strong discipline not to overspend. No matter what the excuse is, the temptation to charge to the credit card is always there. C'mon! We are living in a materialistic world. Money IS important to our daily lives. (and it's never enough!)

For me, i only own a debit card. I can onli use when there's money in the account. No money, no honey. Haha! A debit card allows me to make transaction in other countries where the local bank is not available. I can even use it for transactions on the internet. Credit cards should be looked at like a FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Use only when necessary.

A debit card works just like a credit card. It has yearly fees. And it helps to control ur indulgence. Yes, i do agree it feels nice to own a credit card. It makes you feel important, distinctive and 'rich'. But at a price!

To me, even if i do own a credit card (i wonder when), it would only be one card. For Emergencies or Travelling only. Having more than one will make you grow horns, a set of wings and a tail. Haha! My advise to those who are not eligible yet to own one, try not to get even one. For those who have more, i dare you to cut all but one of your credit cards. Would you do it? DO IT, DO IT!! CUT IT CUT IT!!!! Haha!!

As the advertisement goes... 'You Only Need VISA.'

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Tag. You're It!

For some of us who have a wide collection of MP3 songs, you've probably experienced the different forms of description being displayed on your MP3 player. Depending on the sources for your songs, you've probably noticed that some problems such as different spelling for the same artist ('e' supposed to be 'i') or album titles. For people like me who prefer to 'standardize' things, having such inconsistencies just dun make me feel good.

So now, for those who share the same liking as me, you can do sumthing about it. It involves editing the MP3 file. It's called ID3 tagging. What is ID3 tagging you might ask? Well, ID3 tagging means inputting information to your MP3 songs with details such as Artist , Album, Year, Track Number, Genre and Title. So from here, you can input all the necessary information that you want your files to be.

You can create your own album titles, set the type of songs (pop, rock, dangdut) or even correct wrong spellings. So the next time you play your songs on the MP3 player, the information of your choice will be displayed.

How to do this? Well, the software that you can use are MusicMatch Jukebox or iTunes. It's free to try and can be downloaded here. I explain how to do it on MusicMatch Jukebox (sorry lah hor iPod lovers)

First add the song to the library (File -> Add Songs To Library)

Right click on the song

Then go to Edit -> Edit Track Info

U're on ur own from here.

However, do not be confused with the filename of the songs. It has no relation. Changing the ID3 of the file will not change the filename or vice versa.

So now, beside enjoying listening to your songs, you can also enjoy LOOKIN at it! Haha!