Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Free Watch, Anyone?

Recently the Sunday Times reported of the hard selling tactics of some companies in the areas of time sharing and others. Many people have complained about the unscrupulous ways of such companies leaving their customers to be forced or pressured into buying their products. I myself has personally encountered such things and i lived to tell u the story...

It happened many years ago. I received a call from somebody that i had won a prize. Never play anything oso can win prize! Dunno oso who go and give them my number. Gila! So, i went down lah to collect the prize. The collection area was at a hotel sia! Orchard Rd some more! But when i reached there, they said i had to attend a talk for abt 1 hour before i can collect the prize. Huh? But on that day i didn't had much to do so i went in.

Apparently they were trying to sell some time sharing thinghy on holiday accommodations. Wah lau eh! There, they have prepared several tables for for the sales person to talk to potential customers. So i sat down and listened to this girl talk non-stop. Even aeroplanes need to transit to fill up fuel! Bla bla bla... nothing goes into my head. I was more interested on the food that has been prepared for the people there. Got coffee, tea, cakes and sandwiches.

During the talk, they prepared a video presentation for the customers to watch. It was a video on one of the hotels in Australia. The video showed the interior of the hotel rooms as well as the exterior. Got girls wearing bikini swim here swim there.

When the salesgirl noticed that i was losing my interest (she was boring me from the start anyway), she brought me to a wall where pictures of customers who have taken up the 'scheme' were displayed. Wah...! Trying to tell me got people take it up lah. Watever..! And if that is not enough, at any point of time they would ring the bell and everybody's attention is focused on the table which is ringing it. The salesgirl would then say that that means the customer at the desk has taken up the 'scheme.' Haha! Got like that one meh?! I go 7-11 by cigarettes oso nobody wants to ring a bell!

Aniwae to make the story short, the whole nonsense finally ended when i said that i needed to leave. Wah, can see she so damn disappointed leh. It's like she says 'Please marry me' and I said 'Dun wan lah'. Ekekeke... Rileks lah.. And if you all wanted to know, i wasted her time for 5 hours! Haha! (seriously, i really had nothing to do on that day) I'm so mean...

I eventually got the watch which i seemingly deserved after 5 hours of talk cock. Want to noe wat kind of watch is it? The type where u can get at 'Pasar Malam'! Make at hotel can. But give cheapo watch. Cheapskate!