Friday, September 22, 2006

The eX-Men(Women)

At one point of our lives, we may have fallen for someone. Crush, puppy love, infatuation, admiration, love... watever you called it. And as fate would decide, fallen out. Incompatibility, religion, no common understanding and status are just some of the reasons. I'm not gonna talk about when one is in a relationship but instead being out of the relationship.

They say u cannot forget your first love. Very true. In fact, i don't think you can ever forget the people you loved, be it the first or twenty first. How can you forget the person? Unless u knocked urself on the wall or suffered amnesia. But it is forgetting the feeling, now, that is the hardest to achieve but not impossible.

Some would start questioning 'whys'. Some wished they had a second chance whereas some wished it never happened. Others may start having negative reactions, such as mistrust for the opposite sex, be anti-relations and even rebound. (i.e. where u 'grab' the next available person without giving much thought just to fill up that loneliness).

It is painful in trying to forget the feeling, yes, i agree. And only time is the medicine. Time is a natural healer for matters of the heart. Some probably take just a few days while others may take years. And if it is any consolation to any of you going through this, it took me 7 years to do so. All because the element of hope and possibility is still there.

In the process of trying to forget the feeling, it would have been easier if not for our senses. Many things we do, hear or see reminds us of the person. It could simply be walking down a particular road, songs and even smell. Heck! Sometimes even dreams can rekindle the feeling! My advice is, be strong and patient. Occupy yourself with other activities, stop questioning 'whys' and dun wallow urself in self-pity. Only time will tell...

Right now i'm missing someone dear in my life. I've known her for about a year but i guessed we were never meant to be together. Never did i knew or expected that 2 person can occupy my heart at one time. She makes me happy with her presence and i never had a dull moment in my life with her. I guessed it's all part of the plan. She was my companion, friend and inspiration. She was there when i was feelin lonely and we were happy together until one day it was apparent that we cannot be together forever. She was...
... my MP3 player! *sob (Hahaha!! Who do you all think 'she' was?!)


Anonymous said...

I soooooo enjoy reading ur blog man!!!Avid reader I am....

Write more ...

Cheers!!!And btw, happy fasting ;O)

Siti(PAC-man haha)

Khairul said...

Hey Siti!

Didn't noe that u enjoyed reading the blog from the person who always seem to 'irritate' u. Haha!

Anyway, happy fasting to you too!