Sunday, July 23, 2006

Live To Ride. Ride To Live

I've had a lot of comments about my motorcycle. Some say it's an old piece of junk. Some say it's noisy while others mentioned about the dangers of riding one. No matter what, I still ride my motorcycle. My motorcycle has accompanied me to almost everywhere I've been ever since I got my license. It has taken me to KL four times and Malacca a dozen of times. It has never complained or talk back at me. It has remained indespensable and trustworthy most of the time.

Up till now however I still cannot understand people perception on a motorcycle with regards to pillion. If a female friend were to ride with me on a motorcycle, all kinds of accusations will fly, compared to the same situation this time instead with a car. In this case, letting a girl to 'tumpang' in a car is rather acceptable and will not produce so much of a hoo-hah compared to that of a motorcycle. It is because of the close proximity between the rider and the pillion? Or is it the position? Is it because you can't be seen well enough in a car thus hiding you from view? I bet I can have a motorcycle where the pillion seats 1 meter away from me all covered up like a mummy and that won't still stop people from talking.

Back to my motorcycle. I cannot imagine myself doing without one. In fact, I've grown to be too dependable on it. Dangerous? I partially agree. If it is time for you to 'Go', it doesn't matter any time, day, or situation. If taken necessary precautions, it can be safe. To me, riding a motorcycle just increases the risk.

Don't we all take risks?