Friday, July 21, 2006

It's a Bird. It's a Plane...!

Enough of the silly joke about why Superman is stupid. That joke has been around for ages! Superman is an unforgettable super hero during my childhood. Watching the original Superman movies never bores me. So when they decided to make a new Superman movie, I said, why not. Of course, nothing can compete with the original. The original will always be the best there is, the best there was and the best that will ever will be, even though it has it's shortcomings in the special effects department.

For us, it is a movie of a superhero. To some, who study literature, there is a hidden message. Notice the similarity of the colours of Superman costume and the American Flag. When there is trouble, Superman will be there. The same goes for America. The new Superman movie lasts for 2 and a half hours. Worth the movie ticket price spent I would say. I especially liked the opening, as the director made tribute to the first movie.

Overall the movie was OK, watchable. My only worry was if I had to go to the loo as I do not like to miss out on the movie. So I decided not to drink anything sweet during the show. Cokes are out! All I had was Green Tea. Sweet things tend to make ur bladder full.

Just an advice which might work for you.