Sunday, July 30, 2006

Can Spare 1 Minute?

Orchard Rd. Shopping heaven for some. Nightmare for motorists. People come in different shapes and sizes. Common sight includes buskers performing as well as students asking for donation for Flag Day. Then there is the dreaded Survey takers! Wah lau! They tink we go Orchard Road to take survey is it!? They will come up to u and ask u if u could spare a minute of ur time to answer a survey. 1 minute my foot! Here are basically 2 things that u can do to avoid being approached at all. Of course u can always reject them but I dun like rejections lah..

  • If u are alone, (pity ah, walk Orchard Rd alone. No 'kakis' ah?) pretend to talk on ur handphone. Dun look at them. This method sure works. Tried and tested. 100% success rate. Rude mah to disturb someone while they are talking on the phone. Heheh. No handphone? Try talking to urself. They won't approach u oso becoz they'll tink u 'Gila'! Haha!

  • If you are with a friend, pretend to be in a deep conversation. If possible sound as if u are arguing. Make a lot of hand movements. This method also works but success rate depends how u argue. Haha!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Old Newspaper...

The Karang Guni man. The AngMoh speaking ones called them the Rag-And-Bone Man. Who can forget them as they travelled to every floor of ur flat shouting...

"Karang Guni... Buay Bo Chua (newspaper), Den Xi Ki (TV), Laylio (radio), Siah Kuoh (clothes)..."

Some even has a horn to indicate their presence. And with them, u departed with ur old newspapers and spoilt electrical equipments for a sum of money. Nowadays, they even accept handphones and computers.

Will the future Karang Guni man shout like this?...

"Karang Guni... Buay Bo Chua, laptop, MP3 Player, Plasma TV, LCD, DVD Recorder, XBox ....."

I wonder how much can get...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lazy Bones

Ur lying on the sofa watching the television or listening to the radio. U
decided to change channel or increase the volume. You looked for the remote control. It's nowhere to be found. You pulled out the sofa cushion. It's not there. You looked under the sofa, it's still not there. You walked around the whole house looking for it. By now u should be cursing and swearing on it's disappearence. Where is it??!! The remote got legs can walk meh?!

This scenario do happen to some of us. But the funny thing is, why dun people just go over to the TV or radio and press the buttons? Stupid rite? Rather waste time and energy looking for the stupid remote. Die die must use the remote control. In the end when the remote finally found, so happy as if struck lottery. Humans are funny if u asked me and sometimes downright ridiculous. Haha!

Sshhhh! My favourite song is on radio lah. Must listen loud loud. Now where is that *#%@*! remote!?....Arrgh!

Possible? Possible

Ok. Let's go back to an earlier issue that I have brought up.
Can you steal sumthing which is urs?

Imagine ur friend borrowed from you $100,000. Note! I said borrowed, NOT give. So no matter what, the fact is, the money is still urs and the person is required to return it. So one day, U go up to him and without his knowledge, took $100,000 from his wallet. It could be the actual money which you borrowed him or not. Doesn't matter. Now, taking sumthing without the permission falls under the category of stealing.

So technically speaking, aren't u stealing sumthing which is urs?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Alone in the Lift

Which of these activities have you ever done while being alone in a lift?

C'mon, admit it. Dun 'bedek' lah.. u sure have done AT LEAST one..

  1. Sing
  2. Dance
  3. Talk to urself
  4. Shout
  5. Pick ur nose
  6. Fart
  7. Daydream
  8. Adjust ur innerwear
  9. Squeeze pimples
  10. Scratch that 'thing' under ur innerwear

Wat Time Want To Come HOME?!

My younger sis once complained to me about my parents. She said that they were not giving her the freedom to stay out with her friends for long and have to be back home by 10 pm.

Ahhhhhhhh........ Curfews.... I understood clearly how she feels. She's at the age where she starts questioning such issues. My parents also imposed such curfews on me. Yes. U probably dun believe it. Even though I am a guy, my parents expect me to return home by 10.30pm! Anything more than that, all hell will break loose! Even when I have started working, the curfew still stands! And I have never stayed overnight at a chalet or return home the next morning (National Service was an exception).

Overprotective? Strict? Old-fashioned? Harsh? Some may think so. I once had that thinking too. Some of you may think I am a "kuniang." So does some of my friends. But I've gotten used to it. I've endured the jeers by my friends by having to leave the 'party' when it was just gettin started and I can tell u the feelin sucks! As a result, I turned out to be a homely person. Someone whom girls would love to bring back to meet their parents. Haha!

Parents who enforce curfews on their children have a reason for doing so. They basically worry about mixing around with the bad company. And as you probably know night is when the 'bad influences' are at most active. But that doesn't mean those who dun enforce dun feel the same way for their children. It's a matter of individual preference on bringing up their children.

There is no definite right or wrong method. For those who dun have a curfew, know ur limits and act responsibly. For those who do, you'll thank your parents later.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Why Blog?

Some of my friends have asked me why I started blogging. Some say a person of my age shouldn't be writing a blog and it's only meant for the young.

OK. Here's the real actual reason. Really want to know why? It's because...

U all like to read wat I write!

Happy? Now let me ask u a question. Why u like to read my blog?
U better make me happy with your answer...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Switch to Silent/Vibration Mode

I recently served my national service earlier this year and was posted to one of the ferry terminals to perform my duties. I'm a police reservists you see, and the duty tasked to me was to assist regular officers who are performing the X-Ray luggage scan. We would physically check tourist's luggage leaving, as well as coming back to the country if any suspicious looking item were detected in their bags.

There was this day when a female Japanese tourist who was with her female companion just arrived from Desaru. Guess they were there on holiday. As her bag was going through the X-Ray machine, the regular officer noticed something peculiar in her bag. I was then told to check her bag for the suspicious looking item. I walked to her and said

"Excuse me Miss. I need to check your bag."
As I was rummaging through her bag looking for the item, the woman came close to me and whispered to me sheepishly,

"it's my vibrator." (similar to the one in the picture)

and she showed me where it was. Could you imagine how 'paiseh' she was!

I mean, just imagine.. You go up to a stranger and said

"Hey there! This is my sex toy. I use it to sexually arouse myself."
Wouldn't you wished you could stick ur head in the ground like an ostrich. Lucky for her, I didn't ask her to demonstrate how to use it... haha! So ladies, do yourself a favor. Please leave your sex toys when you leave the country and save yourself from the embarrassment. Or you can leave it with me for safe keeping. Haha!

That night when I returned home as I lay in bed trying to sleep, I couldn't stop imagining how she would be using it..hmmm... heheh...

Monday, July 24, 2006


This just popped-up in my mind today.

Can you steal something which is urs?

Think about it..

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Live To Ride. Ride To Live

I've had a lot of comments about my motorcycle. Some say it's an old piece of junk. Some say it's noisy while others mentioned about the dangers of riding one. No matter what, I still ride my motorcycle. My motorcycle has accompanied me to almost everywhere I've been ever since I got my license. It has taken me to KL four times and Malacca a dozen of times. It has never complained or talk back at me. It has remained indespensable and trustworthy most of the time.

Up till now however I still cannot understand people perception on a motorcycle with regards to pillion. If a female friend were to ride with me on a motorcycle, all kinds of accusations will fly, compared to the same situation this time instead with a car. In this case, letting a girl to 'tumpang' in a car is rather acceptable and will not produce so much of a hoo-hah compared to that of a motorcycle. It is because of the close proximity between the rider and the pillion? Or is it the position? Is it because you can't be seen well enough in a car thus hiding you from view? I bet I can have a motorcycle where the pillion seats 1 meter away from me all covered up like a mummy and that won't still stop people from talking.

Back to my motorcycle. I cannot imagine myself doing without one. In fact, I've grown to be too dependable on it. Dangerous? I partially agree. If it is time for you to 'Go', it doesn't matter any time, day, or situation. If taken necessary precautions, it can be safe. To me, riding a motorcycle just increases the risk.

Don't we all take risks?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

V for Vitagen... or Voluptuous?

I came across this advertisement at a bust-stop near my working place. The first thing that made me attracted to the advertisement was her b**** , not the Vitagen. Second thing was her b**** and third was her b****! I just can't keep my eyes off it! I mean, c'mon, you can't help but admire her well endowed ...., you know what.

For any commercial or advertisment, to get noticed is only half the battle won. To be memorable and unforgettable is usually hard to achieve.

Sex sells (for this case, sexuality) and that is fact. It is a proven and tried and tested formula to attract attention. It may not the intention of the advertiser to do so and this could be just a mere coincidence.

Anyway it was indeed a nice cup.... of Vitagen I mean! What were you all thinking?

Friday, July 21, 2006

It's a Bird. It's a Plane...!

Enough of the silly joke about why Superman is stupid. That joke has been around for ages! Superman is an unforgettable super hero during my childhood. Watching the original Superman movies never bores me. So when they decided to make a new Superman movie, I said, why not. Of course, nothing can compete with the original. The original will always be the best there is, the best there was and the best that will ever will be, even though it has it's shortcomings in the special effects department.

For us, it is a movie of a superhero. To some, who study literature, there is a hidden message. Notice the similarity of the colours of Superman costume and the American Flag. When there is trouble, Superman will be there. The same goes for America. The new Superman movie lasts for 2 and a half hours. Worth the movie ticket price spent I would say. I especially liked the opening, as the director made tribute to the first movie.

Overall the movie was OK, watchable. My only worry was if I had to go to the loo as I do not like to miss out on the movie. So I decided not to drink anything sweet during the show. Cokes are out! All I had was Green Tea. Sweet things tend to make ur bladder full.

Just an advice which might work for you.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Close Friend Passed Away...

Ok. Here I am. At the age of 30 writing a blog. Something which most youngsters do these days. What am I gonna write? Well, most bloggers would start of on a happy note. But since I'm not your average kinda person, let me start off on a sad note.

My MP3 player passed away.

Yes. The gadget which have kept me company on road trips and boring days died suddenly.

Cause of death: Drowning.

No, it wasn't published in the NewPaper nor the Straits Times. And with it's death, it also means the end of my songs stored in it's 20GB memory. I love my music. Which makes me think why do people like a certain kind of songs? It could be the melody or the lyrics.

And I believe it could be because the songs relate to what a person is going through, or have passed through. Songs makes us feel happy, sad and all other emotions. They make us remember moments in life. Songs can also express how we feel, even without having to say it ourselves.

That said, my MP3 player will always be a part of my memory in life. Now, if only I could find a song to remember it....