Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Tanjong Katong Secondary Technical School or TKTech for short, is a school which i attended for almost 14 years ago. The school has since dropped the word 'Technical' right after my 'O' levels somewhere in 1993 and has shifted to a new place in Haig Road.

Tanjong Katong Road was where this school was originally located. Was passing through there one day and it has become some eating outlet! Aiyoh! Ohh... my dear school.

Here's the school crest.

Who's the guy? He's Leonardo da Vinci (not to be confused with Leonardo DiCaprio). A famous artist, inventor and philosopher. The school aspiration is based on his talents and achievements. To go boldly where no man has ever gone before!

And in case ur wondering what are those words, thats' the school motto. Which school dun have one?

Diligencia: Diligence
Ingenium: Ingenuity
Dexteritas: Dexterity

They are written in Spanish. Why? Dunno. That guy Leonardo was from Italy. Stylo i guess.

Yup. There's a lot of memories during my secondary school days. Good and bad, but mostly good ones lah. (The bad ones were in the Principal's or Discipline Master's office. Haha!)

The school uniform? The guys wore white shirts and pants with the option to wear long pants from Sec 3 onwards. The gals wore white shirt and green blouse were the bottom half of the blouse must not be above the knee. Hmmm... Why ah?

There were some great teachers at TKTech. Those who were able to motivate and bring out the best from the students. Sadly, some has faithfully departed. My prayers goes to them. These teachers need to be commended for being able to endure our antics. Were were atrocious man!

Besides TKTech is another school. An all girls school called Tanjong Katong Girls or TKG for short. Basically there are our neighbours lah. Little did they noe that they are our greatest rivals, our hatred enemies and our most adversaries. Haha. Just joking lah.

During my time, the school was famous for it's combined band between TKTech and TKGirls. The band was known to perform very well during band competitions winning this and that, which is why i joined it in Sec 1 (plus to see more girls lah).

But i wasn't long there lah. 'Resigned' somewhere in Sec 2 because it was just not my cup of tea. (anyway i had to fulfill the school requirement of having a major ECA). What i learnt to play? Not much, except for the clarinet, saxophone and cornet. But i can't play a tune i tell u. Only could make the sound come out! Haha!!

The school song? Heck! I even remember how to sing it! Amazing huh? That's probably because we have to keep singing it!

On the seashore of endless world
With the mind and with the body
We'll work together and we'll play
It's one for all and all for one

Chorus: (dunno why they call it chorus when everybody is singing it from the start)
We'll seek and find we'll make and mind
However hard We'll strive to reach the goal

O Rutherford, Da Vinci, Tagore and Albert Einstein
We hope we have rightly invoked
Your aspirations and your fame

Yah, i noe. Very short rite? Short and sweet i must say.

I dunno about schools now but back then there was a sick bay in case ur not feeling too well (or dun feel like studying hehe). Just a small room with a single bed for lying down and stare at the ceiling fan going round and round and round and round and round and...zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ.

The school took after 4 famous persons namely Rutherford, Einstein, Davinci and Tagore for it's four houses. U noe, the group ur categorised in whenever there's a sports day or any other school events. I was in the Tagore house. The color is Yellow leh. Wah lau! Haha!

The school has also 'produced' some fine individuals. Professionals in their own field. They include diplomats, politicians, soccer players and even actors/actresses. I'm still waiting to be included.

Ghost? Nope, never seen one there. I think the ghosts were more afraid of us!

Technical lessons were fun. I think it was called Design and Technology back then. I learnt technical drawing (perspective lah, whatever lah) and practical was even more fun. Drill machine, Lathe Machine, Buffer Machine and the machine list goes on. Before that, I only knew how to use a screwdriver. Haha!

I guessed from there i realised i was technically inclined. Rather do work wif ma hands. And since TKTech has it's own workshops, other schools would 'tumpang' for their technical studies also. Dunman Secondary was one of them.

There were times when me and my friends would get into trouble. Hey, we're just boys. Waddaya expect? And it seems that the world's favorite sport always landed us in hot soup and onto the Principal's dining table. We would play soccer at TKGirls basketball court (using a plastic ball sold at Mamak shops for a dollar), sumthing which we were not allowed to do. A sin! A taboo!

But we never disturb the gals there what! The gals disturb us got lah. Especially me! Hehe..

Gals? Plenty leh. Fell for a few gals there but never got into any relationship. Guess i was not as cute, charming, suave and handsome back then as i was now. Haha!! And it was in Secondary school that i started to find Chinese gals attractive. And i still do until today. Hehe.

Sure, there were some 'havoc' gals back then. There was this gal which i heard came to school one day without wearing a bra. No lah. I never see. Wasted hor? Wished it was raining to witness it. Haha!

Hangouts? Not many. There's always Parkway Parade playing arcade at the top floor. At that time cash was converted to tokens to play on the machines. Nowadays it seems that they have some kind of stored value card. Playing PC games (Prince of Persia was HOT at that time) and pool at Katong Complex. I dun hang out much. Most of the time i go back home to cook rice. ( i good boy)

Wah! Wrote so much orledi leh. Aniwae, wadever it is, TKTech would always be a place i could never forget. Just too many fond memories there.

And for those who are still schooling, appreciate and cherish your school. U'll miss it one day.


Unknown said...

Nicely written Khai... Keep up the good work. Just make sure you mind your spellings and Grammar ok? :p

TK Tech is one of the schools which saw many high-flyers too. Ex-Principal Ms Seah J.C. is now Director-General of Education (I think should be one rank away from the Minister of Education himself!), Ex-VP Mr Wong used to be P of RI and is now another bigshot in MOE (sorry I can't remember his post now) and our beloved Biology teacher and Science HOD is now Deputy Director of the South Zone cluster of schools (Something like the Principal of all Principals is schools found in the South Zone)

Scary huh...

lonely heart said...

What you said evoked sweet memories of TKTech. I suddenly miss those times we spent there. Never realised I could write much more than you, Khairul, but I'm too busy right now to write. Hehe! Will give my fair share another time, I guess.