Thursday, July 12, 2007

Anger Management

They say when ur angry, u dun mean the things u say.

I dun really agree with that saying. Perhaps people say it so that the one being scolded will not feel so bad. It's a form of console. To prevent one from feeling hurt.

All of u sure have been angry with someone or have been scolded in ur life. Nasty things can come out of the mouth at that time.

To me, when a person is angry and says all those nasty things, it is what the person really feels or thinks. All those thoughts and feelings have been kept inside and boiling to get out and be heard. Of course they may not be all true. Some may be wrong. A misguided information but at least dats wat the angry person tinks.

Of course some of them really do not mean what they say. At least, not literally. Phrases such as 'Go and Die' are quite common but instead they really just want the person to go away. It's just another stronger or 'forceful' way of saying it.

So it's a good idea to hear out what the person has to say when he or she is angry. It helps to know what the other person feels or thinks. It may not be true. It may be a false accusation. But knowing what the person feel is a start in weeding out the problem.

The only problem with us is that we usually cannot accept when someone make bad comments, remarks or tell us of our weakness. We tend to identify other people's weakness more easily than identify and accept with our own.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

i seriously disagree when people tend to say dis - in a fit of anger, one dont mean wat they say to others.

well, i believe dats crap. its jus some words of reassurance or comfort.

when angry, i believe people tend to speak wat they hv been bottled up inside; waiting for d right moment for the message to be conveyed. its jus dat under some circumstances, it jus explodes and thus making the actual message seemed ugly through actions and harsh tones.