Thursday, July 19, 2007

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Kor-kor dun write much about a person in particular in my blog.


Probably because kor-kor dun see the need to. I'd rather write about human stupidity! That's more entertaining. Aniwae, who wants to read kor-kor's boring life rite?

But today, kor-kor is going to do sumthing different. Kor-kor gonna write about someone. (background : What!? Really!? Yeah rite!! Am i reading this right!!?) Someone whom kor-kor had grown up and gone through many things together.

That person is none other than kor-kor's ONE AND ONLY younger sister. U can call her mei-mei if u like.

There are those who have seen us and said that we dun look alike. Brudder and sista must look alike meh? I just told them we didn't buy our face from the same shop or use the same mould.

The onli thing we had in common was the first 3 letters of our name.

Though kor-kor always try to be there when she needs someone, there are times which kor-kor feel that kor-kor had not done enough. As we grow older, we grew apart as well.

Yes. Kor-kor is protective of her. But not over-protective. Kor-kor remembered a time when she had a brushed with some hooligans from school asking for her number and got quite a nasty experience when she refused to give them. So i told her the next time any person she doesn't like asks for her number, give my number instead. I WILL 'entertain' that person.

At the same time, i told her that the hooligans had lived long enough on the earth who can't wait to meet their 'maker'. Kor-kor has this anti thing against hooligans and bullies lah. Just feel like beating them up. Any bullies readin this blog now? Show of hands please. (cracking fingers)

Now that she's all grown up and studying in a tertiary education, her circle of friends had increased and she has the support of her friends. I guess it's more comfortable for her to share her feelings and problems with her friends now. Kor-kor understand that. It's all part of growing up. But kor-kor's doors will always be open for her anytime.

No matter what, she will always be kor-kor's baby sister. (though i tink she may disagree with the 'baby' part).

So for those who wish to have an issue with her, here's a bit of advice. Dun just tink twice. Or thrice. Think as many times until u can't tink anymore. Capisca? Comprenez?

1 Comment:

Khadijah said...

wah kor kor..o so touched!!!!!!!!


where got?i dun really open up to my friends lah..sumtimes i just know that they dun deserve to know sum things..


k lah kor kor..i've to go for class..i wanna eat my tuna sandwhich...


i love u!