Saturday, June 2, 2007

Get Out Of Prison FREE

They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

So, can any gals pleeeeeeese tell me what is so hot about this guy in Prison Break?

3 out of 4 gals i ask find this guy sooooooooooooo hot.

He handsome meh?

Is it becoz he is botak?

Is it becoz of the tattoos?

Is it becoz of his bad boy look?

If the above is true, does that mean a majority if gals love guys who look bad?

Has the world gone MAD??!!

I'm confused man!

I hope someone could put my mind to rest.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me list them:

1. Those smouldering eyes
2. Shaven head - they say bald guys have higher libidos
3. Those broad shoulders
4. Bad boy aura
5. The upturn of those sexy lip
6. The almost smile/sneer
7. Those big biceps.

Hmm...I can go on and on but not much time. So you are!