Monday, June 11, 2007

Dream On

We all dream.

And there are many kinds of dreams. Happy, sad, frightening, upsetting and my personal and all-time favourite, WET dreams! Haha!

Why do we dreams? Well, there are many reasons why we dream as explained by Science. But I'm not going to talk about that. I'm a PSYCHOlogist, not a scientist!

The funny thing about dream is, we could be in any situation or place right in the middle of something happening and still NEVER ask ourselves why we were there in the first place. It's like we already knew the situation from the beginning. Amazing huh!

Many people have different perceptions about dreams, usually based on religion or racial background. Some consider dreams as sumthing devine, a way for god to send a message or connecting to the spiritual world.

Some racial groups see dreams as a sign. To be bitten by a snake means the dreamer is about to get married. Yeah, wadever.

To me, dreams are just a plaything of sleep.

Some of us may have experienced the same dreams over and over again. This is known as a 'Recurrent dream'. For some reasons or factors, we just cannot remove the particular dream from our mind and as a result it keeps repeating. It is said that such a dreams have some kind of psycological attachment to us.

Studies also shows that only 12% of our dreams are in black and white. Which means most of our dreams are in colour! Wah! Got in High-Definition or not?

And have you ever find it hard to recall most of your dreams? It's like the experience is being erased from your memory. Probably becoz our mind remembers things better when it is physical compared to dreams which are merely non-physical and insignificant.

Most dreams are just beyond our control. We just go with the flow.

But some, we seem to be able to break free from the situation and take control. We know that we were dreaming! This kind of dream is called 'Lucid Dream' where the dreamer knows that he/she is dreaming.

Now, that's where the fun starts coz u can do anything insanely impossible or living out ur wildest fantasies when ur in control.

Wanna fly? Can.

Wanna rob a supermarket? Can.

Wanna get shot and still not get killed? Can.

Wanna beat people up? Can.

Heck! U can even have sex make out with every 'person' u see!


Can touch here touch there. Fondle here fondle there. Kiss here kiss there. Fuc...

Ooops...! Kinda get carried away. I leave that to ur own imagination lah hor. Haha!!

Sweet dreams....!