Friday, June 29, 2007

Living In A Box

When i was small, i used to think that there were little men inside of radios and televisions. I bet some of you think of the same way too. I guess we are too young to understand how things work back then.

Funny thing is, someone used this thinking and turned it into an eye catching and interesting advertisement. Take a look at the pics below...

It's amazing how absurdity can be turned into creativity.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why Men Look At Women?

I guess most girlfriends or wives don't like it when their Man look at other woman. Am i correct?

Well, today, kor-kor will tell u why we men look at women.

There are 2 short answers and 1 long answer. Which one u all want to hear first?

Kor-kor give u long answer first k:

If men do not look at women, do u think they would have looked at u in the first place? Do u tink u would have been noticed? Do u think u've ever stood a chance? In fact, men not only look at women. They also look at other men, cats, dogs, cars, motorcycles, toys.... how come nobody's complaining?

Men and women ARE and forever WILL BE different. Be it physically or emotionally. Only the treatment should be the fair. There will always be differences between these two species. There will always be things where a man will never understand about a woman and vice versa no matter how much logical excuses or reasons there may be. (even after reading this post some may still not understand but that's normal)

For instance, men up till now do not understand why women need so many pair of shoes! And women does not understand why men must fart so loudly!

Some may say, how come a man who already has a beautiful wife/girlfriend still look at other woman?
No matter how beautiful the man has as a wife or girlfriend he would STILL look at other woman. Is beauty an excuse for keeping a man from looking at other woman? Everybody is different. You can't possibly have all the beauty in the world in one person no matter how perfect the person may be. No matter how pretty, handsome, clever or attractive u are, there WILL always be someone better than u and that someone also suffers the same fate.

Are men never satisfied with what they have?
In reality, do you? Do you think a million dollars would ever be enough for you? Or would u prefer to have more? Nothing is ever more than enough. Greed you might say but that's what everybody has in them. Heck! A man could marry all the women in the world and still thinks it's not enough!

Looking is as harmless as it can get. No physical contact. No emotional attachment. It's up to each individual where to draw the line. Looking DOES NOT mean Wanting.

Does looking at other woman means they are being unfaithful?
What is faithfulness in the first place? Is looking considered unfaithful? Although jealousy is a sign of love and care, try to limit it lah. Dun go overboard. Anything that is excessive is never good no matter how good it is. Problems may arise from it.

Are men being cheeky due to looking?
Not necessarily. And in most cases are not. Looking can be for many reasons although most of the time it's due to the attractiveness of the one being looked at. Other possible reasons could be sexiness. It's a sign of admiration of the opposite sex.

What do men look at?
Depends on individual again. A pretty face, eyes, legs, bust, hair are just some of the things men look at to name a few.

Should you feel sad, angry or hurt that other people are being admired by your husband/boyfriend?
Should you? I do agree it's hard to shelve that feeling since you might feel intimidated by this and that's very normal. But do remember that u were also admired by him (consider urself in his elite range) some time ago and that's all due to him looking at you i.e A Woman! Admiration is a common human behaviour based on individual preference. Is it wrong to admire beauty?

Wished that you could stop ur boyfriend/husband from looking at other woman?
And how are u going to achieve that? Do you think you can monitor his actions 24/7? He still needs to go to work. Needs to interact with people. Hmmm... U can try keeping him locked up in the store. That might work. Poor fella. Haha!

And in all fairness, even women who are attached or married also look at other men! As if we dun noe. It's just that women dun do it often or too obvious. But men dun kick up a fuss. Why? Because men always believe that they can be better or outperform the other man. Ego? If you say so. But that kind of thinking prevented men from having all the uneasy feeling which they consider unnecessary.

Ok. Now here's the first short answer:

Got eyes. See lor

Second short answer:

It's just natural.

P.S Kor-kor don't look at women. Women look at kor-kor. *wink

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Got Read?

Today kor-kor need to ask a favour from those who read kor-kor's blog. Kor-kor would like to know how often you all read it. It's just a preliminary study on readership levels.

So, kor-kor hope you all can coorperate in making this study as accurate as possible.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hello! Hello!


For some it's a friendly gesture. A way of breaking the ice. To start off a conversation. A way to answer the telephone.

But the wrong tone could turn out to do more harm than good.

I had experienced many times which i consider 'Hello' to be rude. I dunno. It's just how i feel. And perhaps many others do. In particular, security personnel. I dun tink it should be used at all because not everybody knows the appropriate or correct way of saying it.

Perhaps some security personnel do want to show of their authority and by saying the word 'Hello' makes people tink they are being friendly so that they would not be complained.

I dun agree.

Intonation is very important. Using it or applying it wrongly could result in undesirable effects.

In fact i have personally experienced a tourist reprimanding a security personnel who said 'Hello' to him as being rude. I do agree with the tourist. The way the security personnel is saying it is downright bossy, rude and threatening!

As a result of that complain, his supervisor called everybody in his team not to use the word 'Hello'. A very good call from his supervisor i must say.

I would suggest using Excuse me Sir/Miss. Notice that i only mentioned Sir and Miss and not Mister, Missus or Madam because those latter words too could inflict some kind of rebuttal.

SO, for those who have been using 'Hello' to inform, warn or instruct, it's time to increase on your vocabulary with a few more words.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Pick A Number. Any Number

Give it a try....

Magic? Nah!! It's just maths and logic.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sofa So Good

I don't noe about u all but i luuuuurrrrrrve to sleep on my sofa. Dunno why leh? Be it during the day or at night, there is a tendency to fall asleep there. Kinda strange. It's like sofa's got magical power one.

If u ask me, a sofa is not as wide or big as a bed. Got no pillows. No blankets. No comforters. Cannot roll much. But still got people want to sleep there!

Is it because people love to spend more time in the living room? Or perhaps later after watching TV, the TV can watch u back! Haha!!

I wonder if the bed is placed in the living room and the sofa placed in the bedroom instead. Would people still prefer to sleep at the sofa or instead sleep on the bed in the living room?

I guess due to people having a tendency or preference towards sleepin at the sofa that sofas that can be converted into beds were created, aptly called, sofa-beds.

Hey! Never heard of a bed-sofa rite?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Transform and Roll Out

Ooohh... Can't wait till the Transformers movies comes out.

The Transformers has always been one of my favourite childhood cartoons. Their main form of attraction is basically the ability to transform from vehicles into robots.

And that results sumthing like a two-in-one kind of thinghy. The toys make up as two different items. Fun is doubled so to speak.

The concept of transformation has long been adopted into everyday items, each with it's own purpose.

Take a look at the missile looking item below. Just see what it can transform into.

Each sold together. Friends not included.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Today, kor-kor will talk about one of the most popular 4 letter word in the world.


Yes. Fuck.

This word is generally considered as offensive, literally to engage in sexual contact.

But it is unsure if this word is considered vulgar in the first place and if not, when it first started to be considered vulgar. Heck! It's actually just another way of saying to have sex!

The origins of the word fuck is also unclear. It is said that this word has already existed long long time ago. And there are even urban legends that the word fuck is derived from acronyms. They are:

  1. "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge In the Nude"
  2. "Fornication Under Carnal/Cardinal Knowledge"
  3. "Fornication Under [the] Control/Consent/Command of the King"
  4. "Fornication Under the Christian King"
  5. "False Use of Carnal Knowledge"
  6. "Felonious Use of Carnal Knowledge"
  7. "Felonious Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
  8. "Full-On Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
  9. "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
  10. "Found Under Carnal Knowledge"
  11. "Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"

Though some may consider it as swearing and offended by it, the word fuck can mean a lot of things actually. Much like a kind of slang. Depending on the situation and sentence of course.

Take a look at the following sentences. I have also included the equivalent meanings:

  • We're fucked! (deep trouble)
  • Fuck you! (riddance/disgusted)
  • Don't fuck wif me (mess/meddle)
  • What the fuck!? (curious)
  • I fucked her upside down. (no need to explain)
  • Fuck it lah! (displeasure)
  • Fucked up! (messed up)
  • Fuck Off! (get lost)
  • Give a fuck! (care)

So you see, the word fuck isn't really that bad actually. It's a way of saying sumthing of the extreme and intense nature. In fact, you can even replace the word fuck with 'shit' or 'hell' but the impact will not be so great lah. So the next time you hear the word fuck, think about the actual intended meaning.

Oh fuck!

A total of 20 fuck words in a single post!!

Fuck yeah!!! (20 +1)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No Reservations

I love watching cooking/eating shows. I'm not much of a foodie but i just love watching them. And i also love watching travel shows. Having to see other people's country interest me.

Now, there are many shows on TV with the same genre which i have just mentioned. 'The Naked Chef', 'Lonely Planet 8 Degrees' and 'Globe Trekker' are just some of them.

But now, somebody really hit the note right. Combine food and travel shows together with a interesting chef as a host and what do u get?

Anthony Bordain's 'No Reservations'

It's currently airing on Cable TV Channel 16 Discovery Travel and Living.

This show is just great! It features Anthony Bordain (or Tony some would call him) on a trip around the world scouring for the local delicacies. The way Tony presents is just fantastic! With his great wicked sense of humor (sumtimes cynical) and light profanity, he made the show one of a kind to watch. Heck! This guy should blog! Haha!

A little background on Tony. He is a corporate chef of Brasserie Les Halles, based in New York City and wrote a few books, his bestseller being "Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly". From there, he gained popularity and the rest is history.

I recommend u all to watch his show. It's fun, enjoyable and funny.

And oh yes.... He practices lung exercise. Just like me. Haha!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Dream On

We all dream.

And there are many kinds of dreams. Happy, sad, frightening, upsetting and my personal and all-time favourite, WET dreams! Haha!

Why do we dreams? Well, there are many reasons why we dream as explained by Science. But I'm not going to talk about that. I'm a PSYCHOlogist, not a scientist!

The funny thing about dream is, we could be in any situation or place right in the middle of something happening and still NEVER ask ourselves why we were there in the first place. It's like we already knew the situation from the beginning. Amazing huh!

Many people have different perceptions about dreams, usually based on religion or racial background. Some consider dreams as sumthing devine, a way for god to send a message or connecting to the spiritual world.

Some racial groups see dreams as a sign. To be bitten by a snake means the dreamer is about to get married. Yeah, wadever.

To me, dreams are just a plaything of sleep.

Some of us may have experienced the same dreams over and over again. This is known as a 'Recurrent dream'. For some reasons or factors, we just cannot remove the particular dream from our mind and as a result it keeps repeating. It is said that such a dreams have some kind of psycological attachment to us.

Studies also shows that only 12% of our dreams are in black and white. Which means most of our dreams are in colour! Wah! Got in High-Definition or not?

And have you ever find it hard to recall most of your dreams? It's like the experience is being erased from your memory. Probably becoz our mind remembers things better when it is physical compared to dreams which are merely non-physical and insignificant.

Most dreams are just beyond our control. We just go with the flow.

But some, we seem to be able to break free from the situation and take control. We know that we were dreaming! This kind of dream is called 'Lucid Dream' where the dreamer knows that he/she is dreaming.

Now, that's where the fun starts coz u can do anything insanely impossible or living out ur wildest fantasies when ur in control.

Wanna fly? Can.

Wanna rob a supermarket? Can.

Wanna get shot and still not get killed? Can.

Wanna beat people up? Can.

Heck! U can even have sex make out with every 'person' u see!


Can touch here touch there. Fondle here fondle there. Kiss here kiss there. Fuc...

Ooops...! Kinda get carried away. I leave that to ur own imagination lah hor. Haha!!

Sweet dreams....!

Friday, June 8, 2007


Ok. How many of you all enjoyed playing wif bubble wraps? U noe. Those plastic bags with small bubbles used to protect fragile products. Can be quite addictive i tell u.

Well, if u can't get enough of them, u can try bursting the computer version below. Have fun! (n make sure u turn ur speakers on)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wash Day

Clothes usually come with instructions on how to wash it. These instructions can be found on the underside of the clothes tag or by itself.

Depending on the material of the clothes, these instructions explains on the type of detergent to use, whether to soak it or not, the washing temperature as well as the ironing temperature. Following these instructions will help to prolong the life of the clothes and prevent any undesirable problems.

In case some of you don't know, there are standard symbols for textile care. Perhaps some of you may have noticed such symbols. For a more comprehensive take on this, take a look at the chart below.

Now washing is usually associated with a woman's work. I'm not trying to be a MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig) here but men usually dun really care or follow washing instructions and usually leave such things to their female counterpart. We men onli know how to wear it and take it off as fast as possible. Haha!

So i guess clothes washing instructions should be like the picture below. Sure would make explaining a lot easier for us! Kehkehkeh!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Contact Us

Most companies have websites to cater to the customers on the internet.

And in case you need to ask any questions, online feedback forms are provided to send in your request.

I once wrote to two companies and up till now have not gotten any reply. One was a pet shop and the other was a plant shop. Why include a feedback form when you won't reply to it?! What's the purpose then?

It's like having a phone but you won't answer to the calls. What for!!??

It is because other companies are providing such a service and you just follow suit? Having it just for the sake of it?

And why are the questions unanswered? Why turn away a potential customer? Do you all worry it is a competitor who may be asking u? Are you all serious about doing business?

Suck my cock reproductive organ lah!

I tell you the ang mohs do a better job than u guys. I can email them a question and they would reply the next working day! I salute man! They sure knows how to do business.

If you won't answer queries, then might as well not include contact/feedback forms on the website. Serves no purpose other than irritate customers.

Unless of course that is the business that u r offering. ie. to irritate customers!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Get Out Of Prison FREE

They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

So, can any gals pleeeeeeese tell me what is so hot about this guy in Prison Break?

3 out of 4 gals i ask find this guy sooooooooooooo hot.

He handsome meh?

Is it becoz he is botak?

Is it becoz of the tattoos?

Is it becoz of his bad boy look?

If the above is true, does that mean a majority if gals love guys who look bad?

Has the world gone MAD??!!

I'm confused man!

I hope someone could put my mind to rest.