Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yes Sir, No Sir

Ok. This will be my last post in the month of March before i go for a long vacation. Dun be sad. It'll onli be for a month. Kor-kor promise will return k.

When it comes to sumthing creative and innovative, the Japanese sure has a way of doing it. They can come up with all sorts of things i tell u. Give them a magic-8 ball and a Russian doll and wad do u get?


How do they work? Well, u ask them a question and they will answer you back either by nodding or shaking their heads. Single nod means a yes. Double nod means a definate yes. Single shake means a no and double shake means a definate no. Hehe.. kinda cute leh..

Here's a little story behind them. Mythology has it that Unazukins are wise fairies that live under big mushrooms in the woods. Could they be Smurfs' friends? Haha!

Ok.. let's give it a try..

Q: Is Khairul very free?


Q: Is Khairul handsome?


Oooh.. so... so true... i'm beginin to like these guys..

Friday, March 23, 2007

April Is 'Crash My Blog' Month!

It's that time again where i will be taking a break from writing and opening an invitation to anybody who wish to write at my blog for the whole month of April.

How to do this? Just send me wat u have written to my email and i'll post it up for you. It's that simple..

If there is nobody to write, then you'll be seeing this post for the whole month of April.

I want to rest lah... Tired u noe write blog! Haha!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Who Let The Dogs Out!?

It's amazing wat people would think off these days.

I was surfing through the web one day when i came across sumthing interesting.

A USB Dog!

Wah lau eh! Wat da hell is this? So i find out more about this thing lah. It's called USB Humping Dog. Haha! Funni leh. It's actually a novelty item where you stick the dog into a usb drive of ur PC or laptop and the dog will start humping. Wait till u see it in action.

Of course, it's just a novelty item and the drive does not carry any space for you to save data.

Take a look at the demonstration video

Here's the user manual. Note it says: For Age 16 and Up. Haha! Sorry kids. Mummy not gonna buy for you dis time, even if you beg on all fours...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Office Politics 101

This post is dedicated to all who are still skooling and so itchy to get into working life. U all think working life fun is it? Ur head ah! Of course u get to have your own money but if u ask me, i'd rather be skooling and still get to enjoy Youth Day and Children's Day.

Anyway, working life is not the same as skooling life. Some of you may have to go through some kind of office politics at ur work place.

So to get u all prepared, i explain some of the popular terms.

Carry Balls
This term is used to be in somebody's good books. Usually people do this to their bosses so that their bosses would be good to them. In some cases, it even helps you to get promoted quickly and easily. I dunno where they come up wif this term. Carry balls in this situation is like carrying the testicles of your bosses lah. Got left one and got right one. Testicles heavy meh to carry? Ok leh wif me. Maybe bosses got heavy balls lah so that one i dun noe hor. But this term is more suitable for male bosses. If female bosses how? Females no balls leh. Carry breast? I tot bras are already doing a good job? Haha!!

Cover Backside (Ass)
Ok. This term is used when u want to avoid gettin blamed for problems that have arise, going to arise or may arise. Work sure got problems one mah. It's like trying to get concrete evidence to fight in court. If you can prove ur innocence, such as doing the required duties in doing your work, then nobody can get to you. It's like a protective shield. An amour. However, if you cannot prove ur innocence, u will face the term below. They are somehow inter-related.

Kena Fuck
This term is used when you are scolded or blamed for doing things wrong. No. Ur bosses won't ask you to stand on your chair in front of the whole office nor will he beat ur palm wif a ruler. Worst scenario is u get fired. But usually it doesn't happen to that extend lah. But ur bosses will remember it for the rest of their lives. Haha! Where kena fucked? Well, with reference to the term 'Cover Backside', backside lor. I guess it's not a good feeling to be fucked from the back. So make sure u put enuff KY!

Kena Arrow
This is when u are picked to do a certain job or task. Usually such tasks are not within your job scope. These are the extras-extras at work. The nitty-gritty. Examples could be making sure the room is clean, maintaining the photocopy paper or even making sure people flush the toilet after they have done their 'business'. But still, somebody's got to do them. So if u're unlucky, u're the one who's going to have to do it.

Well. that's it then. Those are just some of the terms used in working life. I'm not trying to scare u all but then....

.... reality bites.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello? Is It Me You're Looking For?

The following post that you are about to read contains profanity.
Viewer discretion is advised.

Perhaps some of you may have received calls on your mobile phone from persons unknown telling you that you have won something or to join a certain club/membership. I recently received these type of calls. Dunno how the hell they can get my number! But this one is kinda special lah.

I was at work when i received the call. I was in a meeting some more! (i busy man mah). The conversation goes like this:

Phone rings

Me: Hello?

Woman: Hello, can i speak to Jimmy?

Me: Who?

Woman: Jimmy

Me: Sorry. You've got the wrong number (i very polite when answering calls. Some just say wrong number and put down the phone)

Oh.. This is not Jimmy? (at this point of time she's either dumb, stupid or dun understand Engrish. Some more never say sorlee!)

Me: No (duh!)

Woman: Anyway, have you ever heard of the hotel membership bla... bla... bla.. (Nah Bey! got wrong person still can continue talking to me!)

Me: Sorry. I'm quite busy at the moment. I'm in a meeting right now.

Woman: Oh ok. Is it ok if i call u later... perhaps in half an hours time?

Me: Ok (play along lah)

Woman: Who am i speaking to? (now then ask!)

Me: This is Tom Cruise

Woman: (puts down phone)

Me: (???)

Lan Jiao! Just becoz i say my name Tom Cruise don't want to talk to me is it? Wat kind of attitude is this? Want to make business or not??!! Fuck lah!! Haha!

P.S: To the woman who called me. This Tom Cruise is still waiting for your call. Dun make me wait until my next movie come out hor!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Speeding Thrills!

If there is a sport which i love to watch but couldn't participate in, it would be F1 racing. And now, the F1 season has started for dis year starting off at Melbourne, Australia. Crikey mate!

F1 is short for Formula One. Dun ask me why they called it dat way. I oso dunno. F1 cars are a technological marvel. They are designed and constructed using the most advanced technology man has ever thought off. And the sheer thrill of watching on TV is exhilarating enough.

The closest F1 race to watch (for now) would be at Sepang, Malaysia. Been there twice to watch an F1 race and i tell u, it's damn bloody noisy! Basically the one that u see on TV has been toned down the volume very very much.

So from March to October dis year, every fortnight i would be glued to the TV screen watching an F1 race. So u all better dun disturb me when i watch.

Ok. Lets talk a bit about F1 cars. For all u kuku's out there, they are not ur average cars on the road. Basically an F1 car does not have/need:

an IU unit (cannot go Orchard and disturb 'char bor')

a car stereo system (forget about listening to Chio San San or Perfect 10)

parking coupons (no saman)

Here's a video which shows the speed of F1 cars compared to normal cars.

Ok. Here's a few facts about F1 cars:

  1. F1 car is made up of 80,000 components. If it were assembled 99.9% correctly, it would still start the race with 80 things wrong!

  2. An average F1 driver looses about 4kgs of weight after just one race due to the prolonged exposure to high G forces and temperatures for little over an hour.

  3. Due to the amount of aerodynamic downforce, once the car is travelling over 160 kph, it could actually hold itself to the CEILING of a tunnel and drive UPSIDE down!

  4. The refuelers used in F1 can supply 12 litres of fuel per second. This means it would take just 4 seconds to fill the tank of an average 50 litre family car.

  5. Race car tyres have nitrogen in the tyres because nitrogen has a more consistent pressure compared to normal air.

  6. At 550kg a F1 car is less than half the weight of a Mini.

  7. F1 car can go from 0 to 160 kph AND back to 0 in FOUR seconds

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Models Inc.

I was at a shopping centre jalan2 when i saw a booth selling model kits out of wood. Seems interesting leh. When i was younger, i used to build model cars and aeroplanes and when i'm older, i only watch nude models. Haha!! So i guessed this would not be much of a difference.

There were many models to choose from. Got cars, aeroplanes and famous landmarks such as the San Francisco Bridge as well as Australia's Sydney Opera House. After browsing through the available models, i decided to choose the windmill.

Here's the model kit. Cost me 7 bucks. The glue need to purchase separately.

The contents of the model kit. Includes a small sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges (duh!). Dun expect the manual to be like the one by Ikea. There's no assembly illustration. The manual is a drawing and the individual parts are connected by joining identical numbers.

The 'floor' of the model. Dunno how many square feet.

Started to work from the ground up. Quite easy leh.. Just need to slot in the parts and gluing them when necessary.

U can see the roof is now in place. Luckily never rain while i was making this.

The base of the windmill. At this point of time, it's startin to get a little bit challenging..

The tower is now in place. Looks more like a chimney.

Eh, tired lah.. I watch MTV for a while k...

1 hour,

a cup of coffee

and 2 sticks of cigarettes later.....

Ok. Back to work. Been workin on this part for about half an hour. Dunno wat the hell it's supposed to be!

Though it may not be rocket science, still need some thinkin while doing dis. Hmm... looks like my windmill is taking shape.

Wats left of it. Piles of rubbish and sawdust!

Tada! My windmill finally finished! Nice or not?

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Khairul is Very Free : Fact Or Fiction?

Ok. Today i'm going to solve one of the world's greatest mystery. For centuries people have all said that this Khairul guy is very the free. There has been reasons for people to think so.

Firstly, this Khairul can write a blog. Almost everyday some more! Wah lau eh! And that's not all.

Secondly, he even keeps two blogs! And in a different language!!! Wow! Amazing huh!

So now, let's see if this Khairul is really free as wat many people have claimed:

This Khairul is employed. Now, if you are employed, surely you've got work to do rite? Which company in the right mind would hire someone not to do anything? Seow rite!?

Ok. Now we know that this Khairul has work to do. Since he can take still write (and think) while he has work, it shows one thing. He has good time management. If you can handle many tasks at one time that's considered multi-tasking and only a person with good time management skills can achieve such a feat.

Ok. Now we all know Khairul has good time management skills. He also has work to do. Now, writing a blog can be considered work too. In fact did you noe that there are people who blogs as a profession?

Now, work + blogging is the same as work + work = Double work!!
This Khairul actually works harder!

Eh, you all should instead advise him not to work too much lah. Tell him to take a break from blogging perhaps for a couple of months... or even a year! Pity this guy man!

And so, i have finally debunked the popular myth that Khairul is very free. It's actually pure fiction.. a hoax... an urban legend.. an old wives tale.

Friday, March 2, 2007

My Heart Will Go On... And On... And On..

Take a look at the video below supposedly to be the sequel of the movie Titanic.

(I advise you to pause the video first and let the red bar complete loading. Trust me. It's worth the wait)

Of course it's not real lah! This Titanic parody trailer took footages from 23 films and was released on April 3rd 2006. It has managed to fool many who had hoped that such a movie was ever made. Amazing huh.

But what if such a movie was really made?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Swiss Army Bottle Part Deux

Remember this? ->

( )

Well, i managed to get another view of the bottle. And this is what it looks like..

Wah! The bottle got name sia! I wonder who it belongs to? Haha!

Hmmm... dis person quite creative hor. Dun u agree? (say YES say YES or else she will get very angry. she veli fierce you noe!) Look at the way she design the name. So stylo sia.. The curving and the slanting of the words. Wah... so intricate..

Hmm... she must be from the designing department of the company...

Look! She is soooo creative, she can even design the 'i's to look like flowers! Omigosh!!

Why didn't i tink of that when i design my name? Haha!