Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Skip To My Looby Loo

Today, kor-kor will talk about CDs.

Yup, some of you all sure have them at home. Not only CDs but VCDs and DVDs oso.

Don't you just hate it when ur CD/VCD/DVD get scratches?

Songs will skip, videos will jitter and worst case is that it is completely unrecognized by the player!

What a bummer!

And there are shops which sells special stuffs to remove those scratches.

But in case ur on a tight budget, there's sumthing u can try at home using a very common item.


Yes, the toothpaste at home. (unless u never brush ur teeth!)

Some people have swore using the toothpaste as a very effective method to remove scratches. Of course u may not be able to remove deep scratches but minor scratches should be solvable.

Take a look at the video below on how to repair CD/VCD/DVD scratches wif a toothpaste.

Give it a shot. The CD is already scratched. What have u got to lose? (except for some toothpaste)

Monday, May 28, 2007

For Sale

Yes. It's here again.

The GSS (Great Singapore Sale) has started and will continue until the 22 of July.

The STB (Singapore Tourism Board) is expecting a 5% increase from the 1.7 million visitors during last year's GSS sale. Organizers are also targeting that this year's event will generate S$5.2 billion.

Wow! Wished i had that much money. At least i dun have to write a blog. Haha!

Aniwae, shops everywhere seem to be very well prepared for this event. I can see many shops offering massive discounts on items. Can be quite tempting leh. I mean. who wouldn't.

I can see big posters being pasted at the shops or hanging from the ceiling stating the amount of discounts they are offering. The bigger the better!

This is quite common

Gettin better...

More more more!

I have yet to see this one. Hahahahaha!

Anyway, talking about shopping, have you ever been in that situation where you wanted to buy sumthing for someone but dun noe wat to get? Sure u do.

For some reason, u just dun noe wat to get. Various factors affects this. Suitability and budget are just some of them.

Well, have no fear!

Today kor-kor will tell u the best present/gift/item you can get for anybody.

You can get them....


Yes. U heard me rite, Nothing.

Apparently a company is now selling an item called 'Nothing.'

It costs about S$10.00 and is filled to the brim with nothing. Wow!!!!

Hey! It's the thought that counts OK!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Employee Of The Month

It's Hard To Find A Good Employee.

I guess this sentence is very common among bosses who are looking for that perfect candidate as a worker.

I'm not a boss so i don't know about all this lah.

But my guess is that every boss wishes that his workers would have the following qualities:
  • Hardworking
  • Not care about salary
  • Willing to 'die' for the company
  • Not taking any unnecessary tea breaks or 'eat snakes'.
  • Does not do any personal work during office hours.
  • Dedicated
  • Willing to do anything the boss request
  • Does not talk back
  • Disciplined
  • Punctual
  • Not being on sick leave often

Woah! Kinda many dun u tink? Whether such an employee really exists i dun noe. Perhaps there are a handful only with such attitude. And dats probably why the phrase 'It's Hard To Find A Good Employee' is coined.


here's sumting back from employees....

Though it is hard to find a good employee...

It's EVEN HARDER To Find A Good Employer!

Hahaha!!! Kena back!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Comic Relief

I love reading comics and play with toys so why not combine them right?

The following comic is not suitable for children and adults who pretend to be innocent.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Cheap Sale!

My company (actualli not mine lah, i just work there) held a staff sale some time back where items such as Plasma TVs and DVD recorders were slashed to as low as $1500 and $200 respectively.

Of course everybody was in a frenzy as items which were sold at a high price in the streets are available at a discounted price.

These items were snapped up within minutes!

The only catch was that the items were display sets. But that is not the main reason what i want to talk about. It just crossed my mind today when i was going to work.

How do you consider sumthing as cheap? U might consider a $200 DVD recorder as cheap but do you think a man who hardly earns $200 a month consider it as cheap?

Is cheapness measured by the amount it has been reduced from the original price?

Or is cheapness affected by one's affordability over these things?

It's actually quite subjective to discuss sumthing as cheap. Everybody will have their own opinion on this depending on individual earnings, savings, mentality...

So the next time you consider sumthing as cheap, remember! Others may see u as filthy rich!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tell Me What You See

Look at the picture below.

Looks harmless don't u tink? Shows a picture of people by the pool enjoyin themselves. Although such a scene may not be so common for us here.

Kinda reminded of the oral exams back in primary school where one has to describe a picture.

But then....

Different people see things differently. Sometimes our eyes play tricks on us. And this picture is no different.

Dunno what i mean?

Look again at the same picture below...

Just wat the hell are they doing!?

  1. 1- I wonder wat the guy did until the girl got some white stuff on her chest. Might be sticky too

  2. 2 - This girl seems to be enjoyin herself with the help of the guy

  3. 3 - I wonder wat this guy is trying to get a hold of?

  4. 4 - Hmmm.....

  5. 5 - Wow! Talk about Big n Long!

  6. 6 - She seems pretty thirsty.

Monday, May 14, 2007

You My Friend II

Answer me this question: How Do You Define A Friend?

It seems to be a very simple and straight forward question but your answers are bound to include some 'grey' areas and countless possibilities.

What is the basis on considering someone as a friend?

Is a friend someone whom you have met up personally? How 'bout other people whom u have never met but interacted over the internet at chat talks or forums?

Do you consider someone you have had a conversation with as a friend? Or is the duration of knowing somebody constitutes him or her as a friend?

Do you regard your friend's friend as a friend?

Do you consider someone as a friend if that person does not consider you as one?

As you can see, everybody has their own interpretation of a friend. Some are 'stricter' than others.

Different people have different opinions, ideas, acceptance or judgement over which who is considered a friend or not.

And some would go further by categorising people as colleagues or acquaintance. Well, i leave that to your own judgment.

I myself find it hard to really put a foot down and have a rule to define someone as a friend. Mostly, it's just the feeling of 'feel like it'. Heck! It's easier to define someone as an enemy rather than a friend!

As the saying goes... "Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies EVEN CLOSER."

Friday, May 11, 2007

Stick Your Head!

Now, these things are starting to piss me off. At first oklah. But then, it keeps coming and coming. Who or what am i referring to?


Tamade! They promote their services by pasting stickers everywhere!

As you can see, even the power box downstairs my house was not spared!

Look at my doorbell. And for your info, everytime i peel them off, a new one get's pasted there! Chee Bye lah! My doorbell rite! I got put sticker on ur doorbell meh!?

Then i guess when another one comes and noticed that my doorbell got sticker orledi, they paste at the railing. Fuckin desperate sia!

Most recently, they decided to get really up close and personal. They stick at my door gate! Eh.. Lan Jiao! Go die lah!

To me, it's vandalism. Even sticker companies dun promote their services by sticking stickers at people's houses. I dun understand why they should resort to such tactics. These people must kena complain lah.

Ok. I guess these locksmiths companies have a rationale of having their contact numbers available outside the house. Wei! U think people who get locked out will think of locksmiths in the first place?

The first thing that would cross their mind would be calling the police lah! Bodoh!

Ok ok. Some of you may be saying...

Eh Khairul. Stop being an asshole lah. These people are just trying to earn a living.

Ok. In that case, i have prepared a few ideas which these stickers can be pasted. Listen carefully hor

Perhaps can start off with shoes or slippers. But make sure u paste on the inside hor so that people won't notice. Obiang mah. And it follows the user around some more. Effective leh!

Underwear. Talk about being up close and personal. Perhaps can tie up with the companies to have the number printed at the branding or size tab.

The neighbourhood cat or dog. Hey! Think of it this way. It's a walking advertisement! But make sure u ask permission from the SPCA first hor. Bwahahahahaha!!!

U see, I very fair leh! Where can find such a person like me!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Catch Spider

Green Goblin, Dr. Octopus, Venom, Sandman...

What do they have in common?

They're all the bad guys who tried to kill Spider-man but unsuccessful.

Maybe they should have tried using the item below. Could have worked u noe!

Wacth out Spidey! The bad guys noes your weakness now!! Bwahahaha!! (evil laugh)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Music Buff

So you think you know ur music very well? Well, here's a good time to test on that. The picture below contains 74 names of musicians/bands/artists. See how many u can find...

Answers in the comments section.