Monday, December 18, 2006

Importance of Showering (by Bindhu)

Hello everyone! I'm Bindhu, Khairul's friend and I'm crashing his blog!

Haha.. Well, today I'm going to blog about the Importance of Showering.
This blog is for all those stinky fellas out there!!

Okay.. Before I begin, I want to ask you stinkies 5 simple questions.

1) Do you guys think that you smell like roses after waking up in the morning? Well I got news for you! You don't! You smell like f***king rotten onions!!

2) Do you know that other people are affected by your horrid BO?? Can't you smell youself??

3) Have your friends ever told you, that you stink??
If they didn't, they're not your real friends.
They must really hate you because they let you walk around, smelling like a carcass.
If they did and you didn't do anything about it, let me tell you something...

4) Are you afraid of water?
Don't worry!
You won't melt if water touches you.
Trust me! I know!

5) Have you ever seen anyone crinkling their nose when you walk past them?
Well.. It's because of you dumbass!!
Yes you!! Why wouldn't they?
Come on! You smell worse then a garbage truck!

Okay.. Now let me tell you the Importance of Showering.

1) It's hygiene stupid!! Don't you have common sense?? You must be one dumb filthy creature!

2) Be considerate. Humans need air to live and you with your horrid stink, are polluting the air. And DO NOT i repeat DO NOT ever ever lift your arms up.
I beg of you!
Some of us really treasure our lives.
We don't want to be suffocated by your BO.

3) If you don't shower, you might get infections. You know... Ahem.. Down there.. Especially if you have a jungle.. Yup. So those sexually active people should make sure that their partners shower.

4) For girls who don't shower especially during "that" time of the month, you'll smell so damn fishy and yucky!
And if you ever come near me, I swear I'll throw up on you!
Please shower!
Keep yourselves clean for godsake!!!

5) Lastly, so that you nuts can feel fresh and clean. And your poor friends wouldn't have to hold their breath whenever they're with you.

So please people.. SHOWER!!! And if you still have BO, use deodorants. They're available in all the stores near you!!

Thank you so much for your attention.

With much love,
Bindhu Asokan

Friday, December 8, 2006

Teacher (by Khadijah Jantan)

Yes! I’m crashing into Khairul’s blog.

Let me introduce myself first before anyone says that I’m a hacker. I’m Khadijah, Khairul’s one and only youngest sister. No, my parents didn’t use Khairul’s initial name to come out with my name. It just happened. Anyway, I’m a student in a tertiary school. I’m friendly yet quite unfriendly at times. I love singing. I’m quite mischievous and lastly I’m nice...

Is it the teacher or is it just me?

For the past 10 years of schooling, I’ve never been labeled as the “trouble kid” but recently, I feel that I am one but only during his class.

Sometimes it just makes me wonder whether a teacher is after all a perfect person. One who knows everything. I do not have doubt about their credibility of teaching but I seriously do have doubt when a teacher talks about being respectful and disrespectful.

These are the words that I have been hearing:
I was once a student
I know what you are actually like by the way you replied me.
A teenager knows nothing.
I eat more salts than you
I’m your teacher

I do agree that everyone in the world was a student once.

But I totally disagree and condemn a teacher who says that he can predict who we actually are by the way we reply to them.

As a human, we should never ever believe in the 1st impression of someone. Why having such a mindset? Aren’t you creating troubles for yourself?

As a business student in some tertiary school, I’ve learned that a manager needs to know their subordinate well so as to get the best out of them. Hence, I beg to all of you out there, be it a teacher, a student, a parents or even a minister, know your people well before saying something that can hurt your people.

In addition, do not talk about being respectful and disrespectful when you yourself are unsure and obviously unclear about the true meaning of the words. You may be a brilliant English teacher but that does not necessarily mean you know the true meaning of it.

A teenager knows nothing
Being a human, we have brain that enables us to think. With that teenager knows everything but it’s just lies in the difference of depth of understanding.

I eat more salts than you.
Eating more salts doesn’t necessarily mean you have already mastered the complication of the world. Each people experience difference situations. No matter how much you keep emphasizing that “I’ve been through that phase before” to that person, it can never ever be the same.

I’m your teacher.
Did I ever wish for a teacher who is like you?
Never ever find fault with students. This makes them condemn you for the rest of their lives. I hate seeing or even experiencing a situation where I get scolded for something which the teacher has no interest in investigating. As an adult, that does not give you the power to scold people. Let me ask you a question, who likes getting scolded?

But I seriously have to applause those teachers who are forever patient with their students. After going through live with such a patient teacher, I realized that my score is so much better as compared to those unfriendly teachers.

Strict teachers
I love and at the same time hate this type of teachers. They can be very strict until you feel like excusing yourself to the toilet but at the same time, these teachers always help you to produce very good results.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

December is 'Crash My Blog' Month.

Surprised to see me here? Well, as i have mentioned in my earlier post, i would not be posting any more till next year. But i've decided to do sumthing.

I would like to invite anybody who would be interested to write at my blog. You can write about anything, about wat u feel, as long as it doesn't involve religion, race or politics. And oh yes. Try to keep the profanity at a minimum. Later all the 'F' word fly everywhere. Haha!

So if there's anyone interested, do drop me a line ya!