Saturday, April 28, 2007


Yup. I'm back after a month of absence from writing at my blog. Sure feels nice to come back.

Missed me? Awwww..... Come here. Give kor-kor a big hug. How 'bout a big (FRENCH) kiss? Haha!

Anyway, during those times i've enjoyed reading other people's blog. It's interesting to read what others tink and their stand towards certain issues.

Well, different people have different ways of writing their blog. Some people are just born writers. Some are trained writers while others mostly are just... writers.

A friend of mine laments that her blog is boring and not as interesting as others. It's actually how u see it. Whether others tink it is boring or not, that is individual preference. U can never please everybody. So long as ur happy and satisfied with what ur writing.

Touching on the point of blog updates. I've been thinking on how often i should update my blog. Everday? Once in 2-3 days? It's actually a difficult to give a definate answer. On certain days, there's always sumthing to write. And there are times when there's really nothing.

And it can be quite frustrating not knowing when someone has updated his or her blog. (u see, i good ah.. at least i told u all i won't be writing for a month)

But this i can promise u. As long as i'm not bedridden or dead, I'll update it AT LEAST once a week. OK hor.

Oklah. Let me unpack my bags first and get my beauty sleep before i start blogging again. It's a long flight from Hawaii yer noe and i'm feelin kinda tired.


mother said...

welcome back!! hurrah!!

Khairul said...

Woah! U seem very happy that i'm back.

mother said...

yeah - sorta.. heh! @ least got somethin more interestin than some..